- tusk
штраба (кладки)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Tusk — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Donald Tusk (* 1957), polnischer Politiker und Premierminister Łukasz Tusk (* 1985), polnischer Politiker Tusk bezeichnet: Tusk (Film), Film von Alejandro Jodorowsky ein Musikalbum der Alternative Rock… … Deutsch Wikipedia
tusk — [tusk] n. [ME, by metathesis < OE tucs, akin to OFris tusk < PGmc * tunth ska < * tunth , * tanth : see TOOTH] 1. in elephants, wild boars, walruses, etc., a very long, large, pointed tooth, usually one of a pair, projecting outside the… … English World dictionary
Tusk — Tusk, n. [OE. tusk, the same word as tusch, AS. tusc. See {Tush} a tooth.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) One of the elongated incisor or canine teeth of the wild boar, elephant, etc.; hence, any long, protruding tooth. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) A toothshell,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tusk — puede referirse a: Donald Tusk (n. 1957), político polaco; Tusk (1979), disco del grupo musical Fleetwood Mac; Tusk (1980), película de Alejandro Jodorowsky. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título … Wikipedia Español
tusk — tusk·er; tusk·less; tusk; … English syllables
Tusk — Tusk, n. (Zo[ o]l.) Same as {Torsk}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tusk — Tusk, v. i. To bare or gnash the teeth. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tusk — O.E. tux, tusc, cognate with O.Fris. tusk, probably from P.Gmc. *tunthskaz (Cf. Goth. tunþus tooth ), extended form of the root of TOOTH (Cf. tooth). But there are no certain cognates outside Anglo Frisian … Etymology dictionary
tusk — təsk n an elongated greatly enlarged tooth that projects when the mouth is closed and serves for digging food or as a weapon broadly a long protruding tooth … Medical dictionary
tusk — [tʌsk] n [: Old English; Origin: tux] one of a pair of very long pointed teeth, that stick out of the mouth of animals such as ↑elephant s … Dictionary of contemporary English
tusk — [ tʌsk ] noun count one of the two very long pointed teeth on an animal such as an elephant or a WALRUS … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English