
1) цикл работы (нефтехранилища, нефтеперегонной установки)
2) поворотный стол
3) кольцевое пересечение дорог
4) оборот (подвижного состава)
5) возд. разворот на противоположный курс
6) межполётная подготовка (МТКК)
7) вчт. режим "карусель"
8) вчт. цикл обработки (задания)
9) реверсирование направления передачи (данных)
10) цикл разработки (изделия)
11) (полный) производственный цикл (от разработки до выпуска изделия)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "turnaround" в других словарях:

  • turnaround — index reversion (act of returning) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 turnaround …   Law dictionary

  • turnaround — ☆ turnaround [tʉrn′ə round΄ ] n. 1. TURNABOUT 2. a wide area, as in a driveway, to allow for turning a vehicle around 3. the time needed to unload, refuel, service, and reload an aircraft 4. the time needed to complete a job, perform a service,… …   English World dictionary

  • turnaround — (n.) 1936, from verbal phrase turn around reverse, 1880, American English …   Etymology dictionary

  • turnaround — /ingl. ˈtYːnəˌraund/ [vc. ingl., propr. «giravolta, inversione»] s. m. inv. (org. az.) ristrutturazione aziendale …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • turnaround — (also turnround) ► NOUN 1) an abrupt or unexpected change. 2) the process of completing or the time needed to complete a task …   English terms dictionary

  • Turnaround — Ein Turnaround (Richtungsänderung, Umschwung, Herkunft von engl.: turn around) ist im weitesten Sinne jedwede Umkehr. In der Regel ist eine Umkehr ins Positive gemeint, das Umkehren einer Abschwungsituation in eine Aufschwungsituation, am… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Turnaround — The term Turnaround may mean:* Turnaround (road), a civil engineering term for a type of junction which enables traffic heading in one direction to efficiently turn around and head in the opposite direction. It is sometimes used as a synonym for… …   Wikipedia

  • Turnaround — Securities bought and sold for settlement on the same day. Also, when a firm that has been performing poorly changes its financial course and improves its performance. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * turnaround turn‧a‧round… …   Financial and business terms

  • turnaround — securities bought and sold for settlement on the same day. Also describes a firm that has been performing poorly, but changes its financial course and improves its performance. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * turnaround turn‧a‧round… …   Financial and business terms

  • turnaround — [[t]tɜ͟ː(r)nəraʊnd[/t]] turnarounds 1) N COUNT: oft N in n A turnaround is a complete change in opinion, attitude, or method. I have personally never done such a complete turnaround in my opinion of a person... I don t see any vast turnarounds in …   English dictionary

  • Turnaround — Le terme turnaround (mot anglais qui signifie revirement ou retournement ) désigne, dans une progression harmonique, une suite d accords (issus de la même gamme diatonique) placée à la fin d une section harmonique, dont la fonction est de créer… …   Wikipédia en Français

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