turbofan engine

turbofan engine
турбовентиляторный двигатель

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "turbofan engine" в других словарях:

  • turbofan engine — noun a jet engine in which a fan driven by a turbine provides extra air to the burner and gives extra thrust (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑fanjet, ↑fan jet, ↑fanjet engine, ↑turbojet, ↑turbojet engine, ↑turbofan • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • turbofan engine — A type of gas turbine engine that has a fan or a set of lengthened blades either on a low pressure compressor or a low pressure turbine. The term also applies to a less common arrangement in which the fan is located at the rear of the engine and… …   Aviation dictionary

  • reverse flow–type turbofan engine — A turbofan engine in which the airflow is forward and parallel to the axis of the rotor instead of moving backward …   Aviation dictionary

  • turbofan — [tʉr′bō fan΄] n. 1. a fanlike turbojet engine designed to create additional thrust by diverting a secondary airflow around the combustion chamber: in full turbofan engine 2. a fan driven by a turbine …   English World dictionary

  • Turbofan — [ CFM56 3 turbofan, lower half, side view.] A turbofan is a type of jet engine, similar to a turbojet. It essentially consists of a ducted fan with a smaller diameter turbojet engine mounted behind it that powers the fan. Part of the airstream… …   Wikipedia

  • Engine Alliance GP7200 — GP7200 sur un A380 Le GP7200 est un réacteur d avion spécialement conçu pour l Airbus A380, il a été pensé et réalisé par Engine Alliance, un groupement né de l’association de General Electric et de Pratt Whitney, avec pour but la conception de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Engine Alliance GP7000 — The Engine Alliance GP7000 (known as the GP7200 for a brief time period) is a new turbofan jet engine that will incorporate advanced technologies of proven wide body products, originally from the world s No.1 and No.3 aero engine manufacturers,… …   Wikipedia

  • turbofan — /terr boh fan /, n. a jet engine having a large impeller that takes in air, part of which is used in combustion of fuel, the remainder being mixed with the products of combustion to form a low velocity exhaust jet. Also called turbofan engine.… …   Universalium

  • turbofan — n. type of jet engine which includes a turbine driven fan for intake of air; aircraft powered by the turbofan engine (Aeronautics) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • engine station designation — All gas turbine engines, except those with bypass ducts, are given station designations from 0 to 9, with the station 0 denoting the area ahead of the inlet where the airflow is undisturbed and the number 9 denoting the exhaust flow conditions of …   Aviation dictionary

  • turbofan — ► NOUN ▪ a jet engine in which a turbine driven fan provides additional thrust …   English terms dictionary

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