- turbidostat
бтх турбидостат (ферментер непрерывного действия)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Turbidostat — [zu lateinisch turbidus »trübe« und griechisch statós »stehend«, »gestellt«] der, (e)s und en/ e(n), Gerät zur kontinuierlichen Bakterienkultur; der Zufluss an Nährlösung richtet sich nach der durch Trübungsmessung ermittelten Bakteriendichte;… … Universal-Lexikon
Turbidostat — A turbidostat is a continuous culture device, similar to a chemostat or an auxostat, which has feedback between the turbidity of the culture vessel and the dilution ratecite journal |author=Bryson V, Szybalski W |journal=Science |pmid=14950177… … Wikipedia
turbidostat — A continuous culture system equipped with a photocell that adjusts the flow of medium through the culture vessel so as to maintain a constant cell density or turbidity … Dictionary of microbiology
turbidostat — An open continuous culture in which a pre selected biomass density is uniformly maintained by automatic removal of excess cells. The fresh medium flows in response to an increase in the turbidity (usually corresponding to cell density) of the… … Glossary of Biotechnology
Chemostat — Stirred bioreactor operated as a chemostat, with a continuous inflow (the feed) and outflow (the effluent). The rate of medium flow is controlled to keep the culture volume constant. A chemostat (from Chemical environment is static) is a… … Wikipedia
Bakterien — Bakteri|en [griechisch baktēría »Stock«, »Stab«], Singular Bakteri|e die, , oder Bakterium das, s, früher Spaltpilze, Schizomycetes, einzellige Mikroorganismen ohne echten … Universal-Lexikon