turbidity current

turbidity current
мутьевой поток, суспензионное течение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "turbidity current" в других словарях:

  • turbidity current — n. a current of highly turbid water carrying large amounts of suspended sediment that increase its density and cause it to flow downward through less dense water along the bottom slope of a sea or lake …   English World dictionary

  • Turbidity current — A turbidity current or density current is a current of rapidly moving, sediment laden water moving down a slope through air, water, or another fluid. The current moves because it has a higher density and turbidity than the fluid through which it… …   Wikipedia

  • turbidity current — Geol. a turbid, dense current of sediments in suspension moving along the slope and bottom of a lake or ocean. Also called density current. * * * Underwater current of abrasive sediments. Such currents appear to be relatively short lived,… …   Universalium

  • turbidity current — Geol. a turbid, dense current of sediments in suspension moving along the slope and bottom of a lake or ocean. Also called density current …   Useful english dictionary

  • turbidity current — noun A fast flowing downhill current (of air or water) that carries silt …   Wiktionary

  • turbidity current — noun an underwater current flowing swiftly downslope owing to the weight of sediment it carries …   English new terms dictionary

  • turbidity current — turbid′ity cur rent n. gel a turbid, dense current of sediments in suspension moving along the slope and bottom of a lake or ocean …   From formal English to slang

  • current — currently, adv. /kerr euhnt, kur /, adj. 1. passing in time; belonging to the time actually passing: the current month. 2. prevalent; customary: the current practice. 3. popular; in vogue: current fashions. 4. new; present; most recent: the… …   Universalium

  • Current (fluid) — A current in a fluid is the magnitude and direction of flow within that fluid. An air current presents the same properties for a gaseous medium. Kinds of fluid currents include. Boundary current Current (stream), a current in a river or stream… …   Wikipedia

  • density current — Geol., Oceanog. See turbidity current. * * * Any current in either a liquid or a gas that is kept in motion by the force of gravity acting on small differences in density. A density difference can exist between two fluids or between different… …   Universalium

  • density current — Geol., Oceanog. See turbidity current. * * * density current, 1. Physics. the passage by gravity of a liquid or gas through or around a fluid of slightly different density. 2. = turbidity current. (Cf. ↑turbidity current) …   Useful english dictionary

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