- tunneling transition
туннельный переход
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy — (STS) is a powerful experimental technique in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) that uses a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to probe the local density of electronic states (LDOS) and band gap of surfaces and materials on surfaces at the… … Wikipedia
Théorie de l'état de transition — Figure 1 : diagramme de réaction pour une réaction de substitution nucléophile bimoléculaire (SN2) entre le bromométhane et l anion hydroxyde La théorie de l état de transition (en anglais transition state theory TST) a pour objectif d… … Wikipédia en Français
Mott transition — A Mott transition is a metal nonmetal transition in condensed matter. Due to electric field screening the potential energy becomes much sharper (exponentially) peaked around the equilibrium position of the atom and electrons become localized and… … Wikipedia
Field emission — (FE) is the emission of electrons from the surface of a condensed phase into another phase due to the presence of high electric fields. In this phenomenon, electrons with energies below the Fermi level tunnel through the potential barrier at the… … Wikipedia
IPv6 — Internet protocol suite Application layer BGP DHCP DNS FTP … Wikipedia
Kinetic isotope effect — The kinetic isotope effect (KIE) is the ratio of reaction rates of two different isotopically labeled molecules in a chemical reaction. It is also called isotope fractionation, although this term is somewhat broader in meaning. A KIE involving… … Wikipedia
Enzyme catalysis — is the catalysis of chemical reactions by specialized proteins known as enzymes. Catalysis of biochemical reactions in the cell is vital due to the very low reaction rates of the uncatalysed reactions. The mechanism of enzyme catalysis is similar … Wikipedia
superconductivity — superconduction /sooh peuhr keuhn duk sheuhn/, n. superconductive /sooh peuhr keuhn duk tiv/, superconducting, adj. superconductor /sooh peuhr keuhn duk teuhr/, n. /sooh peuhr kon deuhk tiv i tee/, n. Physics. the phenomenon of almost perfect… … Universalium
quantum mechanics — quantum mechanical, adj. Physics. a theory of the mechanics of atoms, molecules, and other physical systems that are subject to the uncertainty principle. Abbr.: QM Cf. nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics. [1920 25]… … Universalium
radioactivity — /ray dee oh ak tiv i tee/, n. Physics, Chem. the phenomenon, exhibited by and being a property of certain elements, of spontaneously emitting radiation resulting from changes in the nuclei of atoms of the element. Also called activity. [1895… … Universalium
Enzyme — Biocatalyst redirects here. For the use of natural catalysts in organic chemistry, see Biocatalysis. Human glyoxalase I. Two zinc ions that are needed for the enzyme to catalyze its reaction are shown as purp … Wikipedia