- tungsten disulfide
дисульфид вольфрама
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
tungsten disulfide — volframo(IV) sulfidas statusas T sritis chemija formulė WS₂ atitikmenys: angl. tungsten disulfide; tungsten(IV) sulfide rus. вольфрам двусернистый; вольфрама дисульфид; вольфрама(IV) сульфид ryšiai: sinonimas – volframo disulfidas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Tungsten — (pronEng|ˈtʌŋstən), also known as wolfram (IPA|/ˈwʊlfrəm/), is a chemical element that has the symbol W and atomic number 74.A steel gray metal, tungsten is found in several ores, including wolframite and scheelite. It is remarkable for its… … Wikipedia
tungsten — tungstenic /tung sten ik/, adj. /tung steuhn/, n. Chem. a rare, metallic element having a bright gray color, a metallic luster, and a high melting point, 3410° C, and found in wolframite, tungstite, and other minerals: used in alloys of high… … Universalium
Tungsten(IV) sulfide — Chembox new Name = Tungsten(IV) sulfide ImageFile = Tunsgten(IV) sulfide.jpg ImageName = Tungsten(IV) sulfide OtherNames = tungsten disulfide tungstite Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 12138 09 9 Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = S2W… … Wikipedia
tungsten(IV) sulfide — volframo(IV) sulfidas statusas T sritis chemija formulė WS₂ atitikmenys: angl. tungsten disulfide; tungsten(IV) sulfide rus. вольфрам двусернистый; вольфрама дисульфид; вольфрама(IV) сульфид ryšiai: sinonimas – volframo disulfidas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Molybdenum disulfide — Molybdenum disulfide … Wikipedia
Hexamethyl tungsten — Chembox new Name = Hexamethyl tungsten ImageFile = Hexamethyltungsten 2D dimensions.png ImageName = Hexamethyl tungsten ImageFileL1 = Hexamethyl tungsten 3D balls.png ImageNameL1 = Ball and stick model of hexamethyl tungsten ImageFileR1 =… … Wikipedia
Dry lubricant — Dry lubricants or solid lubricants are materials which despite being in the solid phase, are able to reduce friction between two surfaces sliding against each other without the need for a liquid media. Such lubricants, including materials such as … Wikipedia
Lubricant — A lubricant is a substance introduced to reduce friction between moving surfaces. It may also have the function of transporting foreign particles and of distributing heat. The property of reducing friction is known as lubricity. A good lubricant… … Wikipedia
Inorganic nanotube — An inorganic nanotube is a cylindrical molecule often composed of metal oxides, and morphologically similar to a carbon nanotube. Inorganic nanotubes have been observed to occur naturally in some mineral deposits [cite book |author=Harris, P.F.J … Wikipedia
lubrication — See lubricate. * * * Introduction of any of various substances between sliding surfaces to reduce wear and friction. Lubricants may secondarily control corrosion, regulate temperature, electrically insulate, remove contaminants, or damp shock.… … Universalium