
гимнастический костюм

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "body-shirt" в других словарях:

  • body shirt — (izg. bȍdi šért) ž DEFINICIJA dio ženske odjeće u jednom komadu, obično od elastičnog materijala i pripijen uz tijelo poput dresa ETIMOLOGIJA engl., usp. bodi …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • body shirt — 1. a close fitting shirt or blouse having a shape and seams that follow the contours of the body. 2. such a garment with a sewn in or snap crotch, esp. a woman s leotard or combination shirt and panty with a snap crotch. [1965 70] * * * …   Universalium

  • body shirt — /ˈbɒdi ʃɜt/ (say bodee shert) noun a shirt shaped to fit the body closely …  

  • body shirt — noun Date: 1967 1. a close fitting shirt or blouse 2. a woman s close fitting top made with a sewn in or snapped crotch …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • body shirt — noun 1. : a woman s close fitting top made with a sewn in or snapped crotch 2. : a close fitting shirt or blouse …   Useful english dictionary

  • shirt — Synonyms and related words: O, basque, blouse, bodice, body shirt, body suit, coat shirt, corsage, dickey, doublet, dress shirt, evening shirt, gipon, habit shirt, hair shirt, halter, hickory shirt, jupe, linen, polo shirt, pullover, shift, tank… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • shirt — ► NOUN 1) a garment for the upper body, with a collar and sleeves and buttons down the front. 2) a similar garment of light material without full fastenings, worn for sports and leisure. ● keep your shirt on Cf. ↑keep your shirt on ● lose one s… …   English terms dictionary

  • shirt — [ ʃɜrt ] noun count *** a piece of men s clothing that covers the top part of the body. It usually has long sleeves and buttons down the front: One of his shirt buttons was missing. a cotton/silk/denim shirt a. a similar piece of clothing worn by …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • shirt — W3S2 [ʃə:t US ʃə:rt] n [: Old English; Origin: scyrte] 1.) a piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms, usually has a collar, and is fastened at the front by buttons →↑blouse ▪ I have to wear a shirt and tie to work …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • shirt — [shʉrt] n. [ME shert < OE scyrte (akin to Ger schürze, apron, ON skyrta, shirt) < base of scort, SHORT] 1. a) the usual sleeved garment worn by men on the upper part of the body, often under a coat or jacket, typically having a collar and a …   English World dictionary

  • Body armour — was the manufactured use of various materials to provide rigid and dense protection layer to an individual s body surface in combat. As such it could be improvised or designed, partial or fully covering, from light weight to one that is extremely …   Wikipedia

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