- tuck stitch
1) прессовая петля2) прессовое переплетение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
tuck stitch — noun : a pattern stitch for circular knit garments that is made by taking on more than one loop in a stitch … Useful english dictionary
stitch — n 1. tuck, Surg. suture; loop, piece of thread or floss or yarn. 2. embroidery or crewel stitch, cross stitch, French knot; knitting or crochet stitch, purl, stockinet; pattern, design, decoration, ornamentation, adornment. 3. thread, strip,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Slip-stitch knitting — is a family of knitting techniques that use slip stitches to make multiple fabrics simultaneously, to make extra long stitches, and/or to carry over colors from an earlier row. Contents 1 Basic methods 2 Double knitting with slip stitches 3… … Wikipedia
Drop-stitch knitting — is a knitting technique for producing open, vertical stripes in a garment. The basic idea is to knit a solid fabric, then (deliberately) drop one or more stitches (i.e., draw a loop out from the loop below it, and so on repeatedly), producing a… … Wikipedia
Dip stitch (knitting) — In knitting, a dip stitch is made by knitting into a stitch (or even the space between stitches) of an earlier row. The most common type of dip stitch is to knit into the row below, which may be used for visual effect or to increase the number of … Wikipedia
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
Knitting machine — The knitting machine, sometimes called knitting frame, knitting loom,or hand knitting machine, is used to produce knit fabrics on a fixedbed of hooked needles. Knitting machines can be hand powered or motor assisted.Pattern stitches can be… … Wikipedia
clothing and footwear industry — Introduction also called apparel and allied industries, garment industries, or soft goods industries, factories and mills producing outerwear, underwear, headwear, footwear, belts, purses, luggage, gloves, scarfs, ties, and household… … Universalium
unique — 1. This is one of a handful of words that give rise to strong feelings. Its primary meaning is ‘having no like or equal, peculiar to an individual’: • Throughout these fluctuations of fortune, Edith s unique teaching style was getting more finely … Modern English usage
Robin des Bois (disney) — Robin des Bois (film, 1973) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Robin des Bois. Robin des Bois Titre original Robin Hood Réalisation Wolfgang Reitherman Scénario Ken Anderson Larry Clemm … Wikipédia en Français
Robin des Bois (film, 1973) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Robin des Bois. Robin des Bois Données clés Titre original Robin Hood Réalisation Wolfgang Reitherman Scénario … Wikipédia en Français