- body wave
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Body wave — may refer to one of the following: *Body wave (seismology), a type of seismic waves *Body wave (dance move) [http://www.idance.net/movedetail.php?clip id=374] *Body wave (hair style) *Body wave (locomotion) *Body Wave (novel), a 2003 novel by… … Wikipedia
Body wave magnitude — (mb) is a way of determining the size of an earthquake, using the amplitude of the initial P wave to calculate the magnitude. The P wave is a type of body wave that is capable of traveling through the earth at the speed of sound, and is the first … Wikipedia
body wave — 1. Geol. a transverse or longitudinal earthquake wave that travels through the interior of the earth (distinguished from surface wave). 2. a permanent with little or no curl, designed to give fullness and body to the hair and to make it more… … Universalium
body wave — noun A seismic wave that travels through the earths interior rather than over the surface. P waves and S waves are examples of body waves … Wiktionary
body wave — noun a light permanent wave designed to give body to the hair … English new terms dictionary
body wave — /ˈbɒdi weɪv/ (say bodee wayv) noun a type of soft perm with very little wave, designed to give more fullness to the hair. –body waving, noun …
body wave — bod′y wave n. clo a hair permanent with little or no curl • Etymology: 1960–65 … From formal English to slang
body wave — noun : an earthquake vibration transmitted through the earth s interior contrasted with surface wave … Useful english dictionary
Wave — Wave, n. [From {Wave}, v.; not the same word as OE. wawe, waghe, a wave, which is akin to E. wag to move. [root]138. See {Wave}, v. i.] [1913 Webster] 1. An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wave front — Wave Wave, n. [From {Wave}, v.; not the same word as OE. wawe, waghe, a wave, which is akin to E. wag to move. [root]138. See {Wave}, v. i.] [1913 Webster] 1. An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wave length — Wave Wave, n. [From {Wave}, v.; not the same word as OE. wawe, waghe, a wave, which is akin to E. wag to move. [root]138. See {Wave}, v. i.] [1913 Webster] 1. An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English