
1) труба; трубка, эл. тж баллон
2) патрубок
3) магистраль (гидро- или пневмосистемы)
4) туннель
5) англ. метро(политен)
6) резин. камера (шины или рукава)
7) резин. шприцевать трубчатую заготовку
8) фарфоровая втулка (во внутренней проводке)
9) футляр, гильза (сухого элемента)
10) эл. вентиль
11) лампа с продолговатой колбой
12) электровакуумный прибор
13) (электронная) лампа
14) электронно-лучевой прибор, ЭЛП
15) электронно-лучевая трубка, ЭЛТ
16) тубус (объектива)
17) лупа (напр. визирная)
18) губа, тюбик
19) тара рукав (материала)
acorn tube
afterglow tube
air tube
airspeed tube
aligned-grid tube
all-metal tube
all-rubber tube
amplification tube
annular tubes
attenuator tube
augmentor tube
backward-wave tube
ballast tube
bantam tube
Barkhausen-Kurz tube
Barkhausen tube
barometer tube
bead tube
beam tube
beam-deflection selector tube
beam-indexing tube
beam-power tube
beam-storage tube
beam-switching tube
bipotential cathode-ray tube
bipotential tube
black-and-white picture tube
blast tube
blind-end tube
blocking tube
boiling tube
bottom-guide tube
Bourdon tube
branch tube
Braun tube
bridge wall tubes
bubble tube
butt-ended tube
calandria tube
calming tube
camera tube
casing tube
casting tube
cathode-ray memory tube
cathode-ray tube
cell-type tube
center air tube
charge-storage tube
choke tube
Christophorsen tube
chromatron tube
cigarette tube
clad tube
clean tube
cloth-inserted tube
coiled tubes
cold-cathode tube
collapsible tube
color cathode-ray tube
color picture tube
concentric draft tube
contactor tube
contact tube
continuous tube
convergent short tube
convergent tube
converging tube
convoluted tube
corona-discharge tube
corona tube
counter tube
cracking tube
crossed-field tube
crossover tube
cutting oxygen tube
damper tube
dark-trace tube
decade counter tube
delta gun shadow mask tube
density-modulated tube
detonator tube
dipper tube
direct viewing tube
direct view tube
directional-beam X-ray tube
direct-viewing storage tube
direct-view storage tube
discharge tube
display storage tube
display tube
dissector tube
distillation tube
diverging tube
double-gun cathode-ray tube
double-walled tube
draft tube
drainage tube
drain tube
drawdown tube
dredging tube
drying tube
elbow-type draft tube
elbow draft tube
electrical-signal storage tube
electric-signal storage tube
electrode cooling tube
electrometer tube
electron-beam tube
electronic tube
electron-multiplier tube
electrostatic memory tube
emulsion tube
end-window counter tube
erect image focusing tube
evaporating tube
exhaust tube
extension tube
externally quenched counter tube
fabric tube
Faraday tube
fast-screen cathode-rat tube
feeder tube
fence tube
filler tube
fire tube
flame tube
flange tube
flared-type draft tube
flash tube
flat tube
flat-ended tube
flat-faced tube
flat-screen tube
flexible metal tube
flow tube
fluorescent tube
fluted tube
flux-feed tube
flux tube
flying spot scanning tube
focusing tube
fractional distillating tube
fuel tube
fuel-element charging tube
fuel-element discharge tube
fuel-element transfer tube
fuel-port tube
furnace tube
fuse tube
gas-discharge tube
gas-filled counter tube
gas-flow counter tube
Geiger-Muller counter tube
Geiger counter tube
glow tube
glow-discharge tube
grid-glow tube
grilled tube
grout tube
guide tube
halogen tube
heavy-end tube
heavy-fin tube
heavy-walled tube
helical welded tube
high-vacuum tube
high-velocity camera tube
hot-cathode tube
image camera tube
image pickup tube
image tube
image-converter tube
image-dissector tube
image-intensifier tube
impact tube
indicator tube
inductance tube
inflatable rubber tube
injection tube
inlet tube
in-line gun color picture tube
in-line color picture tube
in-line picture tube
inner tube
insulating tube
internally pressurized tube
ionization-gage tube
isosceles triangular tube
lance tube
Lawrence tube
lens tube
level tube
lift tube
line-focus tube
local-oscillator tube
longitudinal welded tube
low-fin tube
low-velocity camera tube
L-shape tube
luminescent tube
luminescent-screen tube
luminous discharge tube
magnetic-focusing tube
Maxwell tube
mechanically controlled tube
memory cathode-ray tube
memory tube
mercury pool tube
mercury-arc tube
miniature tube
mixer tube
mixing tube
Mojonnier tube
mold tube
Moody spreading draft tube
Moody draft tube
M-type tube
multielectrode tube
multigun cathode-ray tube
multigun tube
multiple tube
multiplier tube
multistage X-ray tube
neon tube
night-sight tube
nitrometer tube
Nixie tube
nonuniformly heated tube
oscillating tube
oscillograph tube
O-type tube
outlet tube
panoramic X-ray tube
parent tube
pastes tube
penetration tube
phase-shifter tube
photoelectric tube
photoflash tube
photomultiplier tube
photosensitive tube
pickup tube
picture tube
PIL type tube
PIL tube
Pitot tube
plumbicon tube
poison tube
polyallomer tube
polycarbonate tube
pool-cathode tube
pool tube
power tube
precision in-line tube
preheating oxygen tube
pressure tube
process tube
projection tube
proportional counter tube
protector tube
proximity-focused image tube
puncture-sealing tube
pyrometer tube
radiant section tubes
radiant tubes
radiation counter tube
radio tube
reactance tube
recording cathode-ray tube
recording tube
regulating tube
reserve tube
return tube
revolving tube
riffled tube
rigid tube
road-draft tube
roof radiant tubes
rotating-anode X-ray tube
rough tube
rubber tube
rudder tube
run resist tube
safety inner tube
sampling tube
scaffold tube
screen tubes
scupper tube
seamless drawn tube
seamless tube
SEC tube
sectional X-ray tube
self-quenched counter tube
shaft tube
shielded tube
shock tube
silicon diode-array camera tube
silicon camera tube
silicon-intensifier target tube
siphon draft tube
sleeve tube
slot-mask tube
smooth-wall tube
snorkel tube
snow sampling tube
snow tube
softening point tubes
solid tube
space-charge-wave tube
stabilitron tube
stationary-anode X-ray tube
steam tube
steam-generating tube
steering tube
stern tube
stopper tube
storage cathode-ray tube
storage tube
straight draft tube
stream tube
strip-phosphor tube
suction tube
switching tube
tank breather tubes
television picture tube
television tube
tension tube
test tube
thermometer tube
thief tube
thin-walled tube
three-gun color picture tube
thruster tube
tire inner tube
torch tube
transition tube
transverse-field traveling-wave tube
traveling-wave tube
trigger tube
tripotential cathode-ray tube
tripotential tube
tube of current
tube of electric force
tube of flow
tube of magnetic flux
tube of magnetic force
twisting tube
twist tube
uniformly heated tube
U-V fluorescent tube
vacuum tube
vacuum-gage tube
valve tube
vapor delivery tube
vapor tube
Venturi tube
vidicon camera tube
vidicon tube
voltage-reference tube
voltage-regulating tube
wall radiant tubes
wall tube
waterwall tube
Williams tube
wire-reinforced plastic tube
wiring tube
X-ray tube
x-y shutter tube

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат


Смотреть что такое "tube" в других словарях:

  • tube — tube …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • tube — [ tyb ] n. m. • 1611; « voûte » mot région. (Nord) 1453; lat. tubus 1 ♦ Appareil de forme cylindrique, ou conduit à section circulaire, généralement rigide (verre, quartz, plastique, métal), ouvert à une extrémité ou aux deux. Calibre d un tube.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Tube — Tube, n. [L. tubus; akin to tuba a trumpet: cf F. tube.] 1. A hollow cylinder, of any material, used for the conveyance of fluids, and for various other purposes; a pipe. [1913 Webster] 2. A telescope. Glazed optic tube. Milton. [1913 Webster] 3 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tube — may refer to:Electronics *vacuum tube, a component of electronics *cathode ray tube, a common component of electronics such as televisions and other displays *Tube, An expansion bus on the BBC Micro computer *Nokia 5800 Tube , A mobile phoneFood… …   Wikipedia

  • tube — [ tub ] noun count ** ▸ 1 object like a pipe ▸ 2 long narrow container ▸ 3 long thin part inside body ▸ 4 television ▸ 5 cathode ray tube ▸ 6 underground train ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) a long narrow object similar to a pipe that liquid or gas can move… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tube — [to͞ob, tyo͞ob] n. [Fr < L tubus, a pipe] 1. a) a hollow cylinder or pipe of metal, glass, rubber, etc., usually long in proportion to its diameter, used for conveying fluids, etc. b) an instrument, part, organ, etc. resembling a tube… …   English World dictionary

  • tube — (n.) 1610s, from M.Fr. tube (mid 15c.), from L. tubus tube, pipe, of unknown origin. The London subway was christened the Twopenny Tube before it even opened (H.D. Browne, in the Londoner of June 30, 1900); tube for cylindrical railway tunnel is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Tube — (englisch für Rohr, Röhre) bezeichnet: einen biegsamen Behälter mit Schraub oder Klickverschluss zum Herausdrücken einer Paste, siehe Tube (Behälter) die Verbindung zwischen Ohr und Rachen, siehe Eustachi Röhre den Eileiter (lat. Tuba uterina,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tube — Sf std. (19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. tube, das über frz. tube m. auf l. tubus m. Röhre zurückgeht.    Ebenso nndl. tube, ne. tube, nfrz. tube, nschw. tub, nnorw. tube; Tuba. ✎ Röhrich 3 (1992), 1648; DF 5 (1981), 522. englisch frz …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • tube — ► NOUN 1) a long, hollow cylinder for conveying or holding liquids or gases. 2) a flexible metal or plastic container sealed at one end and having a cap at the other. 3) a hollow cylindrical organ or structure in an animal or plant. 4) Brit.… …   English terms dictionary

  • tube — TUBE. s. m. Terme dogmatique. Tuyau, sarbacanne, conduit, canal de plomb, de fer &c. par où l air & les choses liquides passent & ont une issuë libre. Tube de carton. tube de laiton, de cuivre, de fer &c. le tube d une lunette de longue veuë. il… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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