truck bolster

truck bolster
1) ж.-д. надрессорный брус тележки
2) авто седельное устройство тягача

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "truck bolster" в других словарях:

  • truck bolster — Railroads. the upper transverse member of a car truck that holds the truck center plate and receives the car s weight. Cf. body bolster. [1890 95] * * * …   Universalium

  • truck bolster — Railroads. the upper transverse member of a car truck that holds the truck center plate and receives the car s weight. Cf. body bolster. [1890 95] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bolster — Bol ster (b[=o]l st[ e]r; 110), n. [AS. bolster; akin to Icel. b[=o]lstr, Sw. & Dan. bolster, OHG. bolstar, polstar, G. polster; from the same root as E. bole stem, bowl hollow vessel. Cf. {Bulge}, {Poltroon}.] 1. A long pillow or cushion, used… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bolster work — Bolster Bol ster (b[=o]l st[ e]r; 110), n. [AS. bolster; akin to Icel. b[=o]lstr, Sw. & Dan. bolster, OHG. bolstar, polstar, G. polster; from the same root as E. bole stem, bowl hollow vessel. Cf. {Bulge}, {Poltroon}.] 1. A long pillow or cushion …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • body bolster — Railroads. the lower transverse member of a car body to which the body center plate is attached. Cf. truck bolster. * * * …   Universalium

  • body bolster — Railroads. the lower transverse member of a car body to which the body center plate is attached. Cf. truck bolster …   Useful english dictionary

  • Span bolster — A span bolster, in rail terminology, is a beam or frame used to link two trucks (US) or bogies (UK) so that they can be articulated together and be joined to the locomotive or railroad car at one rotating mounting point. In effect, they make one… …   Wikipedia

  • 5-Ton-Truck — In den frühen 1970er Jahren vergab die United States Army einen Auftrag an die AM General Corporation, einen neuen Trucktyp zu entwickeln, der die bisherigen 2,5 Ton und 5 Ton Typen ersetzen sollte. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • List of "M" series military vehicles — The following is a (partial) listing of M series military vehicles used by the United States military. Some of these units are also used by Canadian Forces Land Force Command and other militaries under different designations: M1 to M99 * M1… …   Wikipedia

  • center pin — Railroads. a cylindrical device passing through the center plates of both the body bolster and the truck bolster, permitting the truck to swivel beneath the car body while the stress is taken by the center plate. [1795 1805] * * * …   Universalium

  • center pin — Railroads. a cylindrical device passing through the center plates of both the body bolster and the truck bolster, permitting the truck to swivel beneath the car body while the stress is taken by the center plate. [1795 1805] …   Useful english dictionary

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