Смотреть что такое "trig" в других словарях:
trig — trig1 [trig] adj. [ME trigg < ON tryggr, trusty, firm: for IE base see TRUE] Chiefly Brit. 1. trim; neat; spruce 2. in good condition; strong; sound 3. prim; precise vt. trigged, trigging [Brit. Dial.] to make trig: often with out or up … English World dictionary
Trig — Trig, a. [Formerly written trick, akin to trick to dress.] Full; also, trim; neat. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] [1913 Webster] To sit on a horse square and trig. Brit. Quart. Rev. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Trig — may refer to: * Trigonometry * Trig points, also known as Triangulation stations * Trig Paxon Van Palin, Son of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin … Wikipedia
Trig — Trig, v. t. [See {Trigger}.] To stop, as a wheel, by placing something under it; to scotch; to skid. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Trig — Trig, n. [See {Trigger}.] A stone, block of wood, or anything else, placed under a wheel or barrel to prevent motion; a scotch; a skid. [Eng.] Wright. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Trig — Trig, v. t. [Cf. Dan. trykke to press, Sw. trycka.] To fill; to stuff; to cram. [Obs.] Dr. H. More. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
trig — smart, trim, c.1200, from O.N. tryggr firm, trusty, true (see TRUE (Cf. true)). A Scottish and northern word only until 19c … Etymology dictionary
trig — trim, *neat, tidy, spick and span, snug, shipshape Analogous words: *orderly, methodical … New Dictionary of Synonyms
trig|a|my — «TRIHG uh mee», noun. the state or offense of having three wives or three husbands at the same time. ╂[< Late Latin trigamia < Greek trígamos; see etym. under trigamous (Cf. ↑trigamous)] … Useful english dictionary
trig — el·y·trig·er·ous; in·ter·trig·i·nous; te·trig·i·dae; trig·a·mist; trig·a·mous; trig·a·my; trig·ger·less; trig·ger·man; trig·li·dae; trig; trig·ly; trig·ness; trig·o·nal; trig·o·nel·la; trig·o·nel·line; trig·o·noc·er·ous; trig·o·nom·e·ter;… … English syllables
trig — I. /trɪg/ (say trig) Obsolete –adjective 1. neat, trim, smart, or spruce. 2. in good physical condition; sound; well. –phrase (trigged, trigging) 3. trig up (or out), to make trig, trim, or smart. {Middle English, from Old Norse tryggr safe,… …