
1) физ. тело; объект
2) корпус
3) станина
4) бочка (прокатного валка)
5) ж.-д., авто кузов
6) возд. фюзеляж
7) гондола (двигателя)
8) подложка
9) керамический материал; керамическая масса
10) консистенция, экстрактивность, вязкость
11) сухой остаток
12) кроющая способность (краски, лака)
14) ножка (литеры)
15) "тело" (вина); упругость, сжимаемость (мякиша хлеба)
16) мешок (трала)
17) мн. ч. пищ. посторонняя примесь
to give body — уплотнять; придавать кроющую способность (краске);
to body in — полировать (с нанесением нескольких слоев лака);
to incline body to motion — приводить тело в движение;
to body up — полировать (с нанесением нескольких слоёв лака)
aeriform body
all-around infinite body
all-metal body
angle cock body
automotive body
axle body
axlebox body
barrel body
bearing body
bluff body
body of ballast
body of dam
body of flame
body of masonry
body of paint
body of revolution
body of roll
body of rotation
body of varnish
bolt body
bottle body
box body
box-sectioned wrap-around ribs body
bulk body
camera body
car body
cargo body
carrier body
cartridge body
cask body
cellular body
compound body
connector body
contacting bodies
convertible body
crank body
curled body
cylinder body
deformable body
delivery valve body
drop side body
dual-slope body
elastic body
elasto-plastic body
epitaxial body
evaporator body
exhaust heated body
false body
field body
fireclay body
flame body
fluid body
fore body
foreign body
free body
fuse body
geometric body
glass-ceramic body
green body
grinding bodies
guard body
gunning body
heating body
heterogeneous body
homogeneous body
integral body
isothermal body
isotropic body
iteration body
ladle body
light-alloy coach body
loop body
lorry body
low drag body
main body of camera
material body
micropolar body
middle body
mill body
molded body
nonfired body
notched body
nozzle body
oil body
ore body
oscillating body for oceanographic measurements
package body
parallel middle body
perfectly rigid body
plastic body
plow body
pole body
ponton body
procedure body
program body
refractory body
refuse collection body
rigid body
robot body
rotor body
rough body
semiconductive body
shuttle body
side extended body
side-dump body
silicon body
sintered body
smooth body
solid body
soundproof body
standard body
statement body
streamlined body
stressed body
stripped body
stuffing-box body
thick juice body
thin juice body
tipping body
tower body
truck body
type body
unitary body
valve body
V-bottom body
viscoelastic body
vitrified body
water body
wedge shaped body
wide-angled body
workholder's body

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "body" в других словарях:

  • body — body …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Body — Bod y, n.; pl. {Bodies}. [OE. bodi, AS. bodig; akin to OHG. botah. [root]257. Cf. {Bodice}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The material organized substance of an animal, whether living or dead, as distinguished from the spirit, or vital principle; the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • body — I (collection) noun aggregation, assemblage, batch, colligation, community, company, compilation, congeries, conglomeration, entity, gathering, host, mass, multitude, plenum, polity, sodality, troupe, wholeness associated concepts: body corporate …   Law dictionary

  • BODY — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • body — [ bɔdi ] n. m. • mil. XXe; mot angl. « corps » ♦ Anglic. Vêtement, sous vêtement féminin très collant, d une seule pièce, couvrant le tronc. ⇒ justaucorps. Des bodys (ou des bodies) de dentelle. ● body nom masculin (anglais …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • body — [bäd′ē] n. pl. bodies [ME bodi, bodig < OE bodig, trunk, chest, orig. sense “cask,” akin to MLowG boddike, tub for brewing, OHG botah; prob. < It bottega, shop < L apotheca: see APOTHECARY] 1. the whole physical structure and substance… …   English World dictionary

  • body — ► NOUN (pl. bodies) 1) the physical structure, including the bones, flesh, and organs, of a person or an animal. 2) the torso. 3) a corpse. 4) the main or central part of something. 5) a mass or collection. 6) an organized group of people with a… …   English terms dictionary

  • body — (n.) O.E. bodig trunk, chest (of a man or animal); related to O.H.G. botah, of unknown origin. Not elsewhere in Germanic, and the word has died out in German, replaced by leib, originally life, and körper, from Latin. In English, extension to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • body — [n1] physique anatomy, bag of bones*, beefcake*, bod*, boody*, build, carcass, chassis, constitution, embodiment, figure, form, frame, makeup, mortal part, protoplasm, shaft, shape, tenement, torso, trunk; concept 405 Ant. mind, soul, spirit body …   New thesaurus

  • body — bódy (angl.) s. n., art. bódy ul; pl. bódy uri Trimis de Laura ana, 14.03.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2  BODY [BÖDI] s. n. tricou din jerseu elastic care se mulează pe corp. (< engl. body, corp) Trimis de raduborza, 14.03.2008. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

  • body — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. n ndm {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} jednoczęściowy, obcisły strój kobiecy, przypominający połączenie bluzki (koszulki) i majtek (lub obcisłych, krótkich spodenek), zapinany zazwyczaj w kroku na haftki, guziki itp., noszony też jako… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

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