- trial action
пробное воздействие
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
trial — tri·al n [Anglo French, from trier to try]: a judicial examination of issues of fact or law disputed by parties for the purpose of determining the rights of the parties compare hearing, inquest at trial: in or during the course of a trial Merriam … Law dictionary
action — ac·tion n [Latin actio legal proceeding, from agere to do, carry out, initiate legal proceedings] 1 a: a judicial proceeding for the enforcement or protection of a right, the redress or prevention of a wrong, or the punishment of a public offense … Law dictionary
trial — [adj] experimental balloon, exploratory, pilot, preliminary, probationary, provisional, tentative, test, testing; concepts 548,560 Ant. definite, known, proven trial [n1] test analysis, assay, attempt, audition, check, crack*, dry run*, effort,… … New thesaurus
trial — [trī′əl, trīl] n. [Anglo Fr < trier: see TRY] 1. a) the act or process of trying, testing, or putting to the proof; test b) a testing of qualifications, attainments, or progress; probation c) experimental treatment or operation; experiment 2 … English World dictionary
trial balloon — {n.} A hint about a plan of action that is given out to find out what people will say. * /John mentioned the class presidency to Bill as a trial balloon to see if Bill might be interested in running./ * /The editorial was a trial balloon to test… … Dictionary of American idioms
trial balloon — {n.} A hint about a plan of action that is given out to find out what people will say. * /John mentioned the class presidency to Bill as a trial balloon to see if Bill might be interested in running./ * /The editorial was a trial balloon to test… … Dictionary of American idioms
Action of 1 April 2010 — Part of Piracy in Somalia, Operation Ocean Shield, Operation Enduring Freedom Horn of Africa … Wikipedia
Action Comics — Action Comics #01. Дебют … Википедия
trial balloon — trial balloons N COUNT A trial balloon is a proposal that you mention or an action that you try in order to find out other people s reactions to it, especially if you think they are likely to oppose it. [mainly AM] They floated the trial balloon… … English dictionary
action at law — index action (proceeding), cause of action, lawsuit, proceeding, suit, trial (legal proceeding) … Law dictionary
trial of a case — index action (proceeding) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary