
1) ловушка, уловитель || улавливать
2) отделитель, сепаратор || отделять, сепарировать
3) сифон, гидравлический затвор
4) горн. вентиляционная дверь
5) короткая лестница (в шахте)
6) ловушка для песка, песколовка
7) конденсационный горшок
8) физ. центр захвата, ловушка || захватывать
9) режектор; схема режекции; режекторный [полосно-задерживающий, заграждающий\] фильтр
10) резонансный контур для развязки между (отдельными) элементами антенны
11) параллельный резонансный контур схемы режекции
12) вчт. (внутреннее) прерывание
13) вчт. ловушка, реакция на исключительную [особую\] ситуацию; прерывание при исключительной [особой\] ситуации
14) трап, газонефтяной сепаратор
absorption trap
accompanying sound trap
adjacent vision carrier trap
adjacent vision trap
air trap
amalgam trap
antenna trap
ball-float trap
boulder trap
bucket trap
building trap
bulk trap
buoyed trap
button trap
car trap
charcoal trap
cold trap
condensate trap
cryogenic trap
deep trap
deep water trap
diesel-exhaust trap
dilution trap
drain trap
dross trap
dust trap
echo trap
electron trap
entrainment trap
fiber trap
film trap
final resin trap
fish trap
fixture trap
flame trap
float steam trap
foam trap
gas trap
gasoline trap
gravel trap
gravity trap
grease trap
half-S trap
high-frequency line trap
hole trap
ice trap
impurity trap
interrupt trap
ion trap
knockout trap
lead trap
light trap
liquid nitrogen trap
liquid trap
log trap
magnetostatic trap
main trap
minority carrier trap
moisture trap
mud trap
nonreturn trap
oil trap
oil-and-water trap
pig trap
pitot tube water trap
plasma trap
primary cold trap
pulp trap
radiation trap
recombination trap
return trap
sample collection trap
sample trap
sand trap
scale trap
scraper trap
secondary cold trap
sediment trap
self-purging trap
sewer trap
shallow trap
silt trap
sink water trap
solar trap
spray trap
steam trap
stratigraphic trap
structural trap
system trap
thermal trap
thermostatic trap
vapor trap
water trap
zero-pressure trap

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "trap" в других словарях:

  • trap — trap1 [trap] n. [ME trappe < OE træppe, akin to treppan, to step, Ger treppe, stairway < IE * dreb , to run, step, trip (var. of base * drā ) > Pol drabina, ladder] 1. any device for catching animals, as one that snaps shut tightly when… …   English World dictionary

  • Trap — Trap, v. t. [AS. treppan. See {Trap} a snare.] [1913 Webster] 1. To catch in a trap or traps; as, to trap foxes. [1913 Webster] 2. Fig.: To insnare; to take by stratagem; to entrap. I trapped the foe. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 3. To provide with a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trap — Trap, n. [OE. trappe, AS. treppe; akin to OD. trappe, OHG. trapo; probably fr. the root of E. tramp, as that which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which perhaps influenced the English word.] 1. A machine or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trap — Trap, n. [Sw. trapp; akin to trappa stairs, Dan. trappe, G. treppe, D. trap; so called because the rocks of this class often occur in large, tabular masses, rising above one another, like steps. See {Tramp}.] (Geol.) An old term rather loosely… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trap — s.n., interj. 1. s.n. Mers în fugă al calului, cu viteză mijlocie (între pas şi galop), animalul păşind în acelaşi timp cu un picior din faţă şi cu piciorul de dinapoi opus acestuia. ♦ Zgomot făcut de un cal care merge în acest fel. 2. interj.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Trap — Trap, a. Of or pertaining to trap rock; as, a trap dike. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trap — Trap, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Trapped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Trapping}.] [Akin to OE. trappe trappings, and perhaps from an Old French word of the same origin as E. drab a kind of cloth.] To dress with ornaments; to adorn; said especially of horses.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trap — Trap, v. i. To set traps for game; to make a business of trapping game; as, to trap for beaver. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trap — [n] snare, trick allurement, ambuscade, ambush, artifice, bait, booby trap*, come on*, conspiracy, deception, decoy, device, dragnet, enticement, feint, gambit, hook*, intrigue, inveiglement, lasso*, lure, machination, maneuver, net, noose,… …   New thesaurus

  • TRAP — (Abkz.) steht für Telomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol. Die TRAP Methode ist ein molekularbiologisches Nachweisverfahren zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Aktivität des Enzyms Telomerase. Methode Das Gewebe oder die Zellen, bei denen die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Trap — ist eine Disziplin des Wurfscheibenschießens, bei der die Scheibe vom Schützen wegfliegt ein molekularbiologisches Nachweisverfahren, siehe TRAP eine spezielle Ausnahme oder Ausnahmesituation bzw. Ausnahmebehandlung (engl. exception) in der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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