transport(ation) network

transport(ation) network
транспортная сеть

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "transport(ation) network" в других словарях:

  • Transport in Hong Kong — Hong Kong has a highly developed and sophisticated transportation network, encompassing both public and private transport. Over 90% of the daily journeys are on public transport, making it the highest in the world. [Lam, William H.K. [2003]… …   Wikipedia

  • Transport economics — is a branch of economics that deals with the allocation of resources within the transport sector and has strong linkages with civil engineering. Transport economics differs from some other branches of economics in that the assumption of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in Amsterdam — is a selection of ways of transportation in and around Amsterdam. Transportation within the city itself is characterized by bicycles and public transportation. Large freeways only exist around the city, terminating at the A10 Ringroad. Navigating …   Wikipedia

  • transportation — /trans peuhr tay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of transporting. 2. the state of being transported. 3. the means of transport or conveyance. 4. the business of conveying people, goods, etc. 5. price of travel or transport by public conveyance; fare. 6.… …   Universalium

  • Transportation of Los Angeles — The intercity transportation system of Los Angeles, California serves as a regional, national and international hub for passenger and freight traffic. The system includes the United States largest port complex, an extensive freight and passenger… …   Wikipedia

  • Sitakunda Upazila — Infobox of upazilas native name = Sitakunda locator position = right latd = 22.6167 longd = 91.6611 division name = Chittagong Division district = Chittagong District population as of = 1991 population total = 274903 population density = 568 area …   Wikipedia

  • Critical Infrastructure Protection — or CIP is a national program to assure the security of vulnerable and interconnected infrastructures of the United States. In May 1998, President Bill Clinton issued Presidential directive PDD 63 [ [ 63.htm… …   Wikipedia

  • Canal — Canals are artificial channels for water. There are two types of canals: water conveyance canals, which are used for the conveyance and delivery of water, and waterways, which are navigable transportation canals used for passage of goods and… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation planning — is the field involved with the siting of transportation facilities (generally streets, highways, sidewalks, bike lanes and public transport lines).Transportation planning historically has followed the rational planning model of defining goals and …   Wikipedia

  • 5-1-1 — 5 1 1, initially designated for road weather information, is a transportation and traffic information telephone hotline in some regions of the United States. Travelers can dial the three digit telephone number 5 1 1 on traditional landline… …   Wikipedia

  • Walking — (also called ambulation) is the main form of animal locomotion on land, distinguished from running and crawling. [ versus walking.html Walking v. running] [ Walking by …   Wikipedia

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