
1) транспорт, транспортные средства
2) транспортное судно
4) протяжка (напр. ленты)
5) механизм протяжки (напр. ленты)
transport in bulk — 1. транспорт навалом, бестарная транспортировка 2. транспорт наливом, бестарная транспортировка
aerosol transport
air transport
atmospheric transport
cable transport
carrier transport
charge transport
chart transport
close-spaced vapor transport
commercial air transport
conveyor transport
conveyorized parts transport
current transport
diffusional ion transport
drift-snow transport
eddy transport
energy transport
external forest transport
face transport
film transport
flexible transport
fluvial transport
fuel-conservative air transport
global transport
heat transport
heavy shuttle cargo transport
hydraulic transport
hypersonic transport
intermachine transport
intermittent film transport
internal forest transport
interplanetary transport
interstellar transport
inwood transport
jet transport
long-range pollutants transport
long-range transport
mass transport
medium shuttle cargo transport
mesoscale transport
mine transport
multiplexed film transports
multiplexed transports
net water transport
neutron transport
orbital passenger transport
pneumatic transport
pollution transport
public transport
radiation heat transport
radiation thermal transport
radiative transport
refrigerated transport
second-generation supersonic transport
space transport
specific bed-load transport
SSTO space transport
tape transport
thermal transport
tipping cradle transport
trackless transport
transboundary transport
video transport
water transport
wire-guided transport

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "transport" в других словарях:

  • transport — [ trɑ̃spɔr ] n. m. • 1312; de transporter I ♦ 1 ♦ Dr. Cession (d un droit, d une créance). « L endossement opère le transport » ( CODE COMMERCIAL ). 2 ♦ (1538) Fait de porter pour faire parvenir en un autre lieu; manière de déplacer ou de faire… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Transport — or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. The term is derived from the Latin trans ( across ) and portare ( to carry ). Industries which have the business of providing transport equipment, transport services …   Wikipedia

  • Transport 21 — is an Irish infrastructure plan, announced on 1 November 2005 in Dublin Castle by the then Irish Minister for Transport Martin Cullen. [ [ RTÉ News: National transport plan to cost €34bn ] ] It aims… …   Wikipedia

  • transport — Transport. s. m. v. Action par laquelle on transporte une chose d un lieu en un autre. Le transport de l argent, des pierreries hors du Royaume est deffendu. le transport de ses meubles luy a cousté beaucoup. Transport. Cession juridique d un… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • transport — TRANSPÓRT, transporturi, s.n. 1. Faptul de a transporta. ♦ (La pl.) Ramură a economiei naţionale cuprinzând totalitatea mijloacelor rutiere, aeriene şi navale care asigură circulaţia bunurilor şi a persoanelor. 2. Totalitatea bunurilor sau a… …   Dicționar Român

  • transport — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. transportrcie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} przemieszczanie ludzi i ładunków na pewną odległość z zastosowaniem środków lokomocji : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Transport lądowy …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • Transport — Trans port, n. [F. See {Transport}, v.] 1. Transportation; carriage; conveyance. [1913 Webster] The Romans . . . stipulated with the Carthaginians to furnish them with ships for transport and war. Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] 2. A vessel employed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • transport — I verb banish, bear, bring, carry, cart, conduct, consign, convey, deliver, deport, dispatch, drive out, exile, expel, extradite, fetch, imprison, move, ostracize, remove, send, ship, take, tote, transfer, transmit, transmittere, transplant,… …   Law dictionary

  • transport — [n1] move, transfer carriage, carrier, carrying, carting, conveyance, conveying, conveyor, freightage, hauling, lift, movement, mover, moving, passage, removal, shipment, shipping, transference, transferring, transit, transportation, transporting …   New thesaurus

  • Transport F.C. — Transport F.C. were a football club in Ireland who played in the Football League of Ireland for fourteen seasons from 1948/49 to 1961/62.During their time in the League of Ireland, Transport played their home matches for the first three seasons… …   Wikipedia

  • Transport — (lat. trans portare ‚(hin)überbringen, tragen‘) steht für: einen Teil des Verkehrs, bei dem Personen, Güter oder Daten den Raum zwischen zwei Orten mit Verkehrsmitteln überbrücken, siehe Verkehr in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft das Verbringen von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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