- transonic speed
околозвуковая скорость
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
transonic — An aircraft flight at speed ranges in which the airflow over some parts is subsonic and in other places supersonic. The transonic speed region lies between 0.8 and 1.2 Mach. This is the region in which an aircraft transitions from subsonic speeds … Aviation dictionary
transonic — also transsonic adjective Etymology: trans + supersonic Date: 1945 1. being or relating to speeds near that of sound in air or about 741 miles (1185 kilometers) per hour at sea level and especially to speeds slightly below the speed of sound at… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Transonic — is an aeronautics term referring to a range of velocities just below and above the speed of sound (about mach 0.8–1.2). It is defined as the range of speeds between the critical mach number, when some parts of the airflow over an aircraft become… … Wikipedia
transonic — [tran sän′ik] adj. [ TRAN(S) + SONIC] designating, of, or moving at a speed within the range of change from subsonic to supersonic speed … English World dictionary
Transonic — Speed at about Mach 1. See Mach, Speed Of Sound, Hypersonic and Subsonic … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
transonic — Of or pertaining to the speed of a body in a surrounding fluid when the relative speed of the fluid is subsonic in some places and supersonic in others. This is encountered when passing from subsonic to supersonic speed and vice versa. See also… … Military dictionary
speed of sound — The speed at which sound travels in a given medium under specified conditions. The speed of sound at sea level in the International Standard Atmosphere is 1108 ft/second, 658 knots, 1215 km/hour. See also hypersonic; sonic; subsonic; supersonic;… … Military dictionary
Speed Of Sound — In dry air, at 0° C (32° F), sound travels at 331.6 meters per second (1,088 feet per second). As the temperature increases, so does the speed of sound. See Mach, Hypersonic, Transonic and Subsonic … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
transonic — /tran son ik/, adj. Chiefly Aeron. close to the speed of propagation of sound; moving at 700 780 mph (1127 1255 km/h) at sea level. Also, transsonic. [1940 45; TRANS + SONIC] * * * … Universalium
transonic — adjective a) just below, or just above the speed of sound b) passing from subsonic to supersonic, or vice versa See Also: plasmason … Wiktionary
transonic — tran·son·ic || træn sÉ‘nɪk / sÉ’n adj. close to the speed of sound … English contemporary dictionary