translucent screen

translucent screen
рирэкран, рирпроекционный экран; просветный экран

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "translucent screen" в других словарях:

  • Screen-printing — is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink blocking stencil. The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that transfer ink as a sharp edged image onto a substrate. A roller or squeegee is moved across the screen stencil… …   Wikipedia

  • screen — [skrēn] n. [ME skrene, sieve, curtain < OFr escren < Gmc, as in OHG scerm (Ger shirm), guard, protection, screen < IE base * (s)ker , to cut > SHEAR, SCORE] 1. a) a light, movable, covered frame or series of frames hinged together,… …   English World dictionary

  • rear screen projection — F/A/V a presentation system in which the image is projected through a translucent screen toward the audience; projecting an image through a translucent screen material for viewing from the opposite side, as opposed to front projection …   Audio and video glossary

  • projection screen — ▪ optics       surface on which the image from an optical projector is shown. Many materials are suitable for screens, the principal requirement being a high degree of reflectivity. The three most common types of screen are the mat white, the… …   Universalium

  • Digital on-screen graphic — In a typical digital on screen graphic, the station s logo appears in a corner of the screen. A digital on screen graphic (originally known as digitally originated graphic) (known in the UK and New Zealand by the acronym DOG; in the US and Canada …   Wikipedia

  • Focusing screen — A focusing screen is a flat translucent material, usually ground glass, found in a system camera that allows the user of the camera to preview the framed image in a viewfinder. Often, a focusing screen has etched markings that differ from model… …   Wikipedia

  • shoji screen — noun see shoji * * * sho|ji «SHOH jee», noun, plural ji or jis, or shoji screen, a sliding screen of translucent paper used to make up the partitions or walls of a Japanese house: »Shoji screens slide in front of a glass bedroom wall (Sunset).… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Shadow play — For hand shadows, see Shadowgraphy (performing art). For other uses, see Shadow Play (disambiguation). Chinese shadow theatre figures Shadow play (Chinese: 皮影戏, pí yĭng xì) or shadow puppetry Shadow puppets have a long history in China, India,… …   Wikipedia

  • Depth-of-field adapter — A depth of field adapter (often shortened to DOF adapter) is used to achieve shallow depth of field on a video camera whose fixed lens or interchangeable lens selection is limited or economically prohibitive at providing such effect. A DOF… …   Wikipedia

  • Microfilm reader — is a device used for reading of documents stored as microform. Microform includes Flat Film, Microfilm, Aperture Cards, Microfiche, and ultra fiche. Using open reels or cassettes, Microfilm is often used as a way to store many documents in a… …   Wikipedia

  • puppetry — /pup i tree/, n., pl. puppetries. 1. the art of making puppets or presenting puppet shows. 2. the action of puppets. 3. mummery; mere show. 4. puppets collectively. [1520 30; see PUPPET, RY] * * * Art of creating and manipulating puppets in a… …   Universalium

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