
1) переходное [неустановившееся\] состояние; переходный [неустановившийся\] процесс
2) переходный [неустановившийся\] режим
3) неустановившийся ток
4) неустановившееся напряжение
5) короткий одиночный импульс (сейсмический или электрический)
abnormal transient
acquisition transient
anticipated transient
damping transient
dc transient
design transient
dryout transient
electromagnetic transient
electromechanical transient
exponential transient
fast transient
fault transient
high-ramp-rate transient
initiation transient
in-lock transient
insurge transient
load transient
long transient
mild transient
network transient
nonsimultaneous switching transient
normal transient
operational transient
outsurge transient
pull-down transient
rapid transient
reactivity transient
reactor transients
restriking transient
severe transient
slow transient
start-up transient
steam line break transient
subsidence transient
switching transient
switching-off transient
system-induced transients
thermal down-transient
thermal up-transient
thruster-induced transient
trailing transient
turn-off transient
turn-on transient
voltage transient
xenon transient

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "transient" в других словарях:

  • Transient — Tran sient, a. [L. transiens, entis, p. pr. of transire, transitum, to go or pass over. See {Trance}.] 1. Passing before the sight or perception, or, as it were, moving over or across a space or scene viewed, and then disappearing; hence, of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • transient — tran‧si‧ent [ˈtrænziənt ǁ ˈtrænʆnt] adjective formal only lasting for a short period of time: • Customer loyalty in the health drinks market appears transient at the best of times. * * * transient UK US /ˈtrænziənt/ adjective ► something that is …   Financial and business terms

  • transient — adj Transient, transitory, passing, ephemeral, momentary, fugitive, fleeting, evanescent, short lived are comparable when they mean lasting or staying only for a short time. Transient and transitory are often used as if they were interchangeable; …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Transient — bzw. Transienz, teilweise nur als Adjektiv transient (engl. „vorübergehend“, alle zu lat. transire vorbeigehen) steht: im Ingenieurwesen allgemein für den statistischen Begriff instationär in der Informatik für zeitlich begrenzt in den Speicher… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • transient — [tran′shənt, tran′sē ənt; tran′zhənt, tran′zē ənt] adj. [L transiens, prp. of transire: see TRANSIT] 1. a) passing away with time; not permanent; temporary; transitory b) passing quickly or soon; fleeting; ephemeral ☆ 2. staying only for a short… …   English World dictionary

  • transient — transient, transitory Both words mean ‘brief, fleeting’, with transient conveying rather more strongly the notion of people or things ‘passing through’ while transitory denotes temporary situations that are more static: • The highly transient… …   Modern English usage

  • transient — (adj.) c.1600, from L. transiens (acc. transientem) passing over or away, prp. of transire cross over, pass away, from trans across (see TRANS (Cf. trans )) + ire to go (see ION (Cf. ion)). The noun is first attested 1650s; specific sense of …   Etymology dictionary

  • transient — ► ADJECTIVE 1) lasting only for a short time. 2) staying or working in a place for a short time only. ► NOUN ▪ a transient person. DERIVATIVES transience noun transiency noun transiently adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • Transient — Tran sient, n. That which remains but for a brief time. Glanvill. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Transĭent — (lat.), der Gegensatz zu »immanent« (s. d. und Transĕunt) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • transient — I adjective brevis, brief, caducous, deciduous, elusive, ephemeral, ephemerous, evanescent, fading, fleeting, fluxus, fugacious, fugax, fugitive, hasty, impermanent, inconstant, interim, meteoric, migratory, momentary, passing, perishable,… …   Law dictionary

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