- transfer ring
горловое кольцо (стеклоформующего комплекта)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Technologie-Transfer-Ring Handwerk Nordrhein-Westfalen — Der Technologie Transfer Ring Handwerk Nordrhein Westfalen (TTH) ist ein Netzwerk von Beratern bei Handwerkskammern, Fachverbänden sowie anderen handwerklichen Einrichtungen in NRW und wird geleitet von der Landes Gewerbeförderungsstelle des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
transfer — trans·fer 1 /trans fər, trans ˌfər/ vt trans·ferred, trans·fer·ring: to cause a transfer of trans·fer·abil·i·ty /trans ˌfər ə bi lə tē, ˌtrans fər / n trans·fer·able also trans·fer·ra·ble /trans fər ə bəl/ adj trans·fer·or /trans fər ȯr, tr … Law dictionary
Ring Tone Transfer Language — Ring Tone Text Transfer Language (RTTTL) was developed by Nokia[citation needed] to be used to transfer ringtones to cellphone by Nokia. The RTTTL format is a string divided into three sections: name, default value, and data. The name section… … Wikipedia
Ring Tones Text Transfer Language — Ring Tone Text Transfer Language (RTTTL) oder Nokring ist ein verbreitetes Format für Klingeltöne für Mobiltelefone. Technische Details Ein Klingelton im RTTTL/Nokring Format muss diese drei folgenden Teile beinhalten, um von Klingeltonprogrammen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ring-tailed Lemur — Taxobox name = Ring tailed LemurMSW3 Groves|pages=117|id=12100056] status = NT trend = down status system = iucn3.1 status ref = regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Primates familia = Lemuridae genus = Lemur genus… … Wikipedia
Ring of Fire II — Infobox Book infoboxwidth = 200px name = Ring of Fire title orig = translator = image caption = Baen Books Prepublication Ring of Fire II cover art. author = Eric Flint illustrator = cover artist = country = USA language = English series = 1632… … Wikipedia
Ring Fence — A protection based transfer of assets from one destination to another, usually through the use of offshore accounting. A ring fence is meant to protect the assets from inclusion in an investor s calculable net worth or to lower tax consequences.… … Investment dictionary
Transfer orbit stage — The Transfer Orbit Stage (TOS) was an upper stage rocket developed by Martin Marietta on a subcontract to Orbital Sciences Corporation during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Orbital Sciences was the prime contractor for NASA for TOS. TOS was… … Wikipedia
transfer — trans•fer v. [[t]trænsˈfɜr, ˈtræns fər[/t]] n. [[t]ˈtræns fər[/t]] v. ferred, fer•ring, n. 1) to convey or remove from one place, person, or position to another 2) to cause to pass from one person to another, as thought or power; transmit 3) law… … From formal English to slang
Chain transfer — is a polymerization reaction by which the activity of a growing polymer chain is transferred to another molecule.[1][2] P• + XR → PX + R • Chain transfer reactions reduce the average molecular weight of the final polymer. Chain transfer can be… … Wikipedia
Token-Ring — im TCP/IP‑Protokollstapel: Anwendung HTTP IMAP SMTP DNS … Transport TCP UDP … Deutsch Wikipedia