blunt knife

blunt knife
тупик (нож для сгонки навала со шкуры)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "blunt knife" в других словарях:

  • blunt knife — dull knife, knife which is not sharp …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Blunt — (bl[u^]nt), a. [Cf. Prov. G. bludde a dull or blunt knife, Dan. blunde to sleep, Sw. & Icel. blunda; or perh. akin to E. blind.] 1. Having a thick edge or point, as an instrument; dull; not sharp. [1913 Webster] The murderous knife was dull and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blunt´ness — blunt «bluhnt», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. without a sharp edge or point: »He sharpened the blunt knife. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under dull. (Cf. ↑dull) 2. Figurative. saying what one thinks very frankly, without trying to be tactful; outspoken; …   Useful english dictionary

  • blunt´ly — blunt «bluhnt», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. without a sharp edge or point: »He sharpened the blunt knife. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under dull. (Cf. ↑dull) 2. Figurative. saying what one thinks very frankly, without trying to be tactful; outspoken; …   Useful english dictionary

  • Knife play — is form of consensual BDSM edgeplay involving knives, daggers, and swords as a source of physical and mental stimulation. Knives are typically used to cut away clothing, scratch the skin, remove wax after wax play, or simply provide sensual… …   Wikipedia

  • blunt — [[t]blʌ̱nt[/t]] blunter, bluntest, blunts, blunting, blunted 1) ADJ GRADED If you are blunt, you say exactly what you think without trying to be polite. She is blunt about her personal life... She told the industry in blunt terms that such… …   English dictionary

  • blunt — 1. adjective 1) a blunt knife Syn: unsharpened, dull, worn, edgeless Ant: sharp 2) the leaf is broad with a blunt tip Syn: rounded, flat, obtuse, stubby …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • blunt — 1. adjective 1) a blunt knife Syn: dull, worn 2) the leaf is broad with a blunt tip Syn: rounded, flat, stubby 3) a blunt message Syn …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • knife — noun 1 tool for cutting ADJECTIVE ▪ blunt, dull (esp. AmE) ▪ sharp ▪ serrated ▪ long ▪ small …   Collocations dictionary

  • blunt — 01. The victim was hit over the head with a [blunt] instrument of some kind. 02. The hunter clubbed the dying animal over the head with the [blunt] end of his spear. 03. My boss was very [blunt] in saying that he didn t think I was doing a very… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • blunt — bluntly, adv. bluntness, n. /blunt/, adj., blunter, bluntest, v., n. adj. 1. having an obtuse, thick, or dull edge or point; rounded; not sharp: a blunt pencil. 2. abrupt in address or manner: a blunt, ill timed question. 3. slow in perception or …   Universalium

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