Смотреть что такое "trackball" в других словарях:
Trackball — Logitech. Paddle de la Apple Pippin/ BanDai Atmark … Wikipedia Español
Trackball — mit Daumenkugel für R … Deutsch Wikipedia
Trackball — d un PowerBook 145 Une trackball Logitech TrackMan Une Trackball ou bou … Wikipédia en Français
trackball — /ˈtrɛkbol, ingl. ˈtrækˌbɔl/ [vc. ingl., comp. di to track «seguire le tracce» e ball «palla»] s. m. inv. CFR. mouse (ingl.) … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
trackball — (izg. trȅkbol) m DEFINICIJA inform. vrsta miša s kuglicom na gornjoj strani (za razliku od običnog miša s kuglicom na dnu) ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
trackball — ► NOUN ▪ a small ball set in a holder that can be rotated by hand to move a cursor on a computer screen … English terms dictionary
trackball — [trak′bôl΄] n. a device built into or connected to a computer, containing a ball that can be freely rotated by hand in any direction so as to move or position the cursor … English World dictionary
Trackball — A trackball is a pointing device consisting of a ball housed in a socket containing sensors to detect rotation of the ball about two axes mdash;like an upside down mouse with an exposed protruding ball. The user rolls the ball with the thumb,… … Wikipedia
Trackball — Steuerkugel; Rollball * * * Track|ball 〈[træ̣kbɔ:l] m. 6; EDV〉 Bedienungsgerät mit ähnlichen Funktionen wie eine Maus, das jedoch nicht insgesamt bewegt, sondern durch Rollen einer Kugel bedient wird, Rollkugel [<engl. track „Spur“ + ball… … Universal-Lexikon
trackball — A device used for pointing, designed as a space saving alternative to the mouse. A trackball contains a movable ball that you rotate with your fingers to move the cursor on the screen. Because it does not need the area of flat space that a… … Dictionary of networking
Trackball — Un trackball es un dispositivo apuntador compuesto por una bola incrustada en un receptáculo que contiene sensores que detectan la rotación de la bola en dos ejes como si fuera un ratón boca arriba, pero con la bola sobresaliendo más. El usuario… … Enciclopedia Universal