toroidal vortex

toroidal vortex
тороидальный вихрь

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "toroidal vortex" в других словарях:

  • Vortex ring — A vortex ring, also called a toroidal vortex, is a region of rotating fluid moving through the same or different fluid where the flow pattern takes on a doughnut shape. The movement of the fluid is about the poloidal or circular axis of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Toroidal ring model — The toroidal ring model, known originally as the Parson magneton or magnetic electron, is also known as the plasmoid ring, vortex ring, or helicon ring. This physical model treated electrons and protons as elementary particles, and was first… …   Wikipedia

  • Taylor vortex — Taylor vortices (after G. I. Taylor) are vortices formed in rotating Taylor Couette flow when the Taylor number (mathrm{Ta}) of the flow exceeds a critical value mathrm{Ta c}. For flow in which :mathrm{Ta}mathrm{Ta c} …   Wikipedia

  • Gas core reactor rocket — Gas core reactor rockets are a conceptual type of rocket that is propelled by the exhausted coolant of a gaseous fission reactor. The nuclear fission reactor core may be either a gas or plasma. They may be capable of creating specific impulses of …   Wikipedia

  • Mushroom cloud — created by smoke billows Ascending cloud from Redoubt Vol …   Wikipedia

  • Torus — Not to be confused with Taurus (disambiguation). This article is about the surface and mathematical concept of a torus. For other uses, see Torus (disambiguation). A torus As the distance to th …   Wikipedia

  • Steam whistle — A steam whistle is a device used to produce sound with the aid of live steam. Unlike a horn, the sounding mechanism of a whistle contains no moving parts (compare to train horn).The whistle consists of the following main parts, as seen on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Trisops — was an experimental machine for the study of magnetic confinement of plasmas with the ultimate goal of producing fusion power. The configuration was a variation of a compact toroid, a toroidal (doughnut shaped) structure of plasma and magnetic… …   Wikipedia

  • Jupiter — /jooh pi teuhr/, n. 1. Also called Jove. the supreme deity of the ancient Romans: the god of the heavens and of weather. Cf. Zeus. 2. Astron. the planet fifth in order from the sun, having an equatorial diameter of 88,729 mi. (142,796 km), a mean …   Universalium

  • Cetacean intelligence — denotes the cognitive capabilities of the Cetacea order of mammals, which includes whales, porpoises, and dolphins. Contents 1 Brain size 2 Brain structure 3 Problem solving ability …   Wikipedia

  • Taylor-Couette flow — The Taylor Couette flow consists of a viscous fluid confined in the gap between two rotating cylinders. For low angular velocities, measured by the Reynolds number Re, the flow is steady and purely azimuthal. This laminar basic state is known as… …   Wikipedia

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