- tone control
1) регулировка тембра2) регулятор тембра
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
tone control — n. a control device, as on a high fidelity amplifier, for varying the intensity of high and low frequencies … English World dictionary
tone control — noun : a usually manual control by which a listener can adjust the relative amplitude of the high, low, and intermediate frequencies in a radio set * * * a manual control used to adjust the relative responses of an amplifier to high, low, and… … Useful english dictionary
tone control — tembro reguliatorius statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. tone control vok. Klangregler, m; Tonregler, m rus. регулятор тембра, m pranc. correcteur de tonalité, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
tone control — tembro reguliavimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. tone control vok. Klangfarbenregelung, f; Klangregelung, f; Tonregelung, f rus. регулировка тембра, f pranc. commande de tonalité, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Tone control circuits — are electronic circuits used to modify an audio signal before it is fed to speakers, headphones or recording devices by way of an amplifier. They are akin to and sometimes called filters. In their most basic form, they elevate or attenuate the… … Wikipedia
tone control — a manual control used to adjust the relative responses of an amplifier to high, low, and intermediate audio frequencies. * * * … Universalium
tone control — /ˈtoʊn kəntroʊl/ (say tohn kuhntrohl) noun a device in a radio or record player which enables the intensities of range of frequencies to be varied so as to increase the bass or treble response as preferred …
Tone — may refer to: MusicTheory* Pitch (music), the perceived frequency of a note or sound (see also pure tone) * Note, the name of a pitch * Whole tone, or major second, a commonly occurring musical interval * Timbre, the quality of a musical note or… … Wikipedia
tone — n. & v. n. 1 a musical or vocal sound, esp. with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength. 2 (often in pl.) modulation of the voice expressing a particular feeling or mood (a cheerful tone; suspicious tones). 3 a manner of expression in… … Useful english dictionary
Tone Mapping — Tone Mapping, Tone Reproduction oder Dynamikkompression sind synonyme Begriffe, die die Kompression des Dynamikumfangs von Hochkontrastbildern (high dynamic range images) bezeichnen, also von digitalen Bildern mit hohem Helligkeitsumfang. Beim… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tone Reproduction — Tone Mapping oder Tone Reproduction bezeichnet die Dynamikkompression von HDR Bildern, also von digitalen Bildern mit hohem Helligkeitsumfang. Beim Tone Mapping wird der Kontrastumfang eines HDR Bildes verringert, um es auf herkömmlichen… … Deutsch Wikipedia