- toluene value
толуоловый эквивалент (авиационного бензина)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Toluene — IUPAC name … Wikipedia
толуоловый эквивалент (авиационного бензина) — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN toluene equivalenttoluene value … Справочник технического переводчика
Benzene — For other uses, see Benzene (disambiguation). See also: Benzole Benzene … Wikipedia
chemical industry — Introduction complex of processes, operations, and organizations engaged in the manufacture of chemicals and their derivatives. Although the chemical industry may be described simply as the industry that uses chemistry and… … Universalium
hydrocarbon — hydrocarbonaceous, adj. /huy dreuh kahr beuhn, huy dreuh kahr /, n. any of a class of compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon, as an alkane, methane, CH4, an alkene, ethylene, C2H4, an alkyne, acetylene, C2H2, or an aromatic compound,… … Universalium
Building insulation materials — A selection of insulation materials can aid in building insulation. All of these are based on standard principles of thermal insulation. Materials used to reduce heat transfer by conduction, radiation or convection are employed in varying… … Wikipedia
Gas Works Park — in Seattle, Washington is a 19.1 acre (77,000 m²) public park on the site of the former Seattle Gas Light Company gasification plant, located on the north shore of Lake Union at the south end of the Wallingford neighborhood. Gas Works park… … Wikipedia
Mass spectrum analysis — is an integral part of mass spectrometry.[1][2] Organic chemists obtain mass spectra of chemical compounds as part of structure elucidation and the analysis is part of every organic chemistry curriculum. Co … Wikipedia
Solvent — For other uses, see Solvent (disambiguation). A solvent (from the Latin solvō, “I loosen, untie, I solve”) is a liquid, solid, or gas that dissolves another solid, liquid, or gaseous solute, resulting in a solution that is soluble in a certain… … Wikipedia
petroleum refining — Introduction conversion of crude oil into useful products. History Distillation of kerosene and naphtha The refining of crude petroleum owes its origin to the successful drilling of the first oil well in Titusville, Pa., in 1859. Prior to… … Universalium
Gasoline — This article is about the fuel and industrial solvent. For other uses, see Gasoline (disambiguation). Petrol redirects here. For other uses, see Petrol (disambiguation). For the bird group, see petrel. A jar containing gasoline … Wikipedia