tire chain

tire chain
цепь противоскольжения, колёсная цепь

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "tire chain" в других словарях:

  • tire chain — ☆ tire chain n. a device made of chains, attached around a tire s tread on a motor vehicle to increase traction, as on snow …   English World dictionary

  • tire chain — noun chain attached to wheels to increase traction on ice or snow • Syn: ↑snow chain • Hypernyms: ↑chain * * * noun : a chain designed to be fastened over the tread of a tire in order to give a firmer grip on a road and especially to prevent… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tire chain — a chain fitting over the tire of a car, truck, or other vehicle, to increase traction and prevent skidding on roads covered with ice or snow. Also called skid chain. * * * …   Universalium

  • chain — [chān] n. [ME & OFr chaine < L catena < IE base * kat , to twist, twine > prob. OE heathor, confinement] 1. a flexible series of joined links, usually of metal, used to pull, confine, etc. or to transmit power 2. TIRE CHAIN 3. [pl.] a)… …   English World dictionary

  • chain — I n. series of metal links 1) to keep (a dog) on a chain 2) to put chains on (the tires of a car) 3) a bicycle; tire chain 4) a link in a chain measuring instrument 5) an engineer s; surveyor s chain shackles 6) in chains (the prisoners were in… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • chain — chainless, adj. chainlike, adj. /chayn/, n. 1. a series of objects connected one after the other, usually in the form of a series of metal rings passing through one another, used either for various purposes requiring a flexible tie with high… …   Universalium

  • Tire recycling — is the process of recycling vehicles tires (or tyres) that are no longer suitable for use on vehicles due to wear or irreparable damage (such as punctures). These tires are among the largest and most problematic sources of waste, due to the large …   Wikipedia

  • chain — Linked, flexible metal rope that connects two sprockets (e.g., the chainwheel to the back wheel cogs, sized differently for different types of bikes.) The teeth of the sprockets fit inside the spaces between the links. Also called a roller chain …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Chain gang (cycling) — A chain gang or pace line In the sport of cycling, a chain gang is a group of cyclists in a close knit formation usually of two parallel lines. The formation comes from the fact that it is harder to cycle at the front of a group than in the… …   Wikipedia

  • snow chain — noun chain attached to wheels to increase traction on ice or snow • Syn: ↑tire chain • Hypernyms: ↑chain …   Useful english dictionary

  • skid chain. — See tire chain. * * * …   Universalium

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