- time-code frame
кадр временного кода
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
time code — noun A track separate from the main one on a video or audio tape, on which time is recorded digitally, to help editing • • • Main Entry: ↑time * * * n. Electronics a coded signal on videotape or film giving information about such things as frame… … Useful english dictionary
time code — F/A/V a method of numbering video frames according to SMPTE standards; the 8 digit address representing hour, minute, second, and frame, recorded on the videotape s control track. TV Synchronization system, like a clock recorded on your videotape … Audio and video glossary
Time code — A&V Timing code laid down on videotape to give each frame a unique number so as to ensure exact transitions during editing … Audio and video glossary
time code — noun a coded signal on videotape or film giving information about such things as frame number or time of recording … English new terms dictionary
SMPTE time code — SMPTE timecode is a set of cooperating standards to label individual frames of video or film with a timecode defined by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers in the SMPTE 12M specification. Timecodes are added to film, video or… … Wikipedia
SMPTE time code — A&V Time code that conforms to SMPTE standards. It consists of an eight digit number specifying hours:minutes:seconds:frames. Each number identifies one frame on a videotape. SMPTE time code may be of either the drop frame or non drop frame type … Audio and video glossary
Frame Technology (software engineering) — Frame Technology is a language neutral, models to code system that manufactures custom software [Software is emphasized here; but given the appropriate frames, FT can assemble any kind of documents: technical and end user manuals, UML models,… … Wikipedia
Code Geass — Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion First Code Geass DVD volume released in Japan. コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ (Kōdo Giasu: Hangyaku no Rurūshu) … Wikipedia
Code-excited linear prediction — (CELP) is a speech coding algorithm originally proposed by M.R. Schroeder and B.S. Atal in 1985. At the time, it provided significantly better quality than existing low bit rate algorithms, such as residual excited linear prediction and linear… … Wikipedia
Time in physics — In physics, the treatment of time is a central issue. It has been treated as a question of geometry. One can measure time and treat it as a geometrical dimension, such as length, and perform mathematical operations on it. It is a scalar quantity… … Wikipedia
Frame (telecommunications) — In computer networking, a frame is a data packet of fixed or variable length which has been encoded by a data link layer communications protocol for digital transmission over a node to node link. Each frame consists of a header frame… … Wikipedia