tilt test
Смотреть что такое "tilt test" в других словарях:
Tilt-test — Test d inclinaison Le test d inclinaison ou Tilt Test (anglais : Head up tilt test) est une procédure diagnostique couramment utilisée dans la recherche de la cause d une syncope. Il est particulièrement utile dans le diagnostic des syncopes … Wikipédia en Français
Tilt test — Test d inclinaison Le test d inclinaison ou Tilt Test (anglais : Head up tilt test) est une procédure diagnostique couramment utilisée dans la recherche de la cause d une syncope. Il est particulièrement utile dans le diagnostic des syncopes … Wikipédia en Français
Tilt test — The Tilt test is a type of safety test that certain government vehicle certification bodies require new vehicle designs to pass before being allowed on the road or rail track.The test is an assessment of the weight distribution and hence the… … Wikipedia
tilt test — tilt table test measurement of various bodily responses while the patient is tilted to different angles on a tilt table, usually head up, such as monitoring of circulatory, cardiac, and neurologic responses … Medical dictionary
Tilt table test — A tilt table test is a medical procedure often used to diagnose dysautonomia or syncope. Patients with symptoms of dizziness or lightheadedness, with or without a loss of consciousness (fainting), suspected to be associated with a drop in blood… … Wikipedia
Test d'inclinaison — Le test d inclinaison ou Tilt Test (anglais : Head up tilt test) est une procédure diagnostique couramment utilisée dans la recherche de la cause d une syncope. Il est particulièrement utile dans le diagnostic des syncopes vaso vagales… … Wikipédia en Français
Test, tilt-table — Tilt table testing involves placing the patient on a table with a foot support. The table is tilted upward and the blood pressure and pulse are measured and symptoms are recorded with the patient in diverse positions. The tilt table test is… … Medical dictionary
Tilt-table test — Tilt table testing involves placing the patient on a table with a foot support. The table is tilted upward and the blood pressure and pulse are measured and symptoms are recorded with the patient in diverse positions. The tilt table test is… … Medical dictionary
tilt table — tilt n an apparatus that is used to rotate a person from a horizontal to a vertical or oblique position in order to test perception of bodily position and to assist in teaching a person affected with paralysis to stand called also tiltboard * * * … Medical dictionary
Tilt-und-Shift-Objektiv — Nikon Tilt Shift Objektiv Shift Objektiv … Deutsch Wikipedia
test — Synonyms and related words: Bernreuter personality inventory, Binet Simon test, Brown personality inventory, Goldstein Sheerer test, IQ, IQ test, Kent mental test, Minnesota preschool scale, Olympic games, Olympics, Oseretsky test, Pap test,… … Moby Thesaurus