tie bolt

tie bolt
1) соединительный болт; стяжной болт
2) авто центральный болт рессоры

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "tie bolt" в других словарях:

  • tie — v 1. tie up, hogtie, truss, wrap or wrap up, li gate, bandage or bandage up; fasten, attach, join, connect, link, yoke, unite, wed, couple, hook together, splice; bind, secure, strap, moor, fix firmly, make fast; fitch, tether, stake, picket,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • bolt — n 1. lock, latch, catch, holdfast, pin, fastener; spike, clamp, pawl, bar, tie, clinch; rod, skewer, spike, dowel, pin, peg; screw, nail, brad, rivet, staple. 2. dash, dart, sprint, bound, spring, rush, run; flight, escape, fleeing, hegira. 3.… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Cranked eye bolt — Contents 1 Uses 2 Engineering 3 See also 4 Notes and refer …   Wikipedia

  • Lower tie bar — Unreferenced|date=June 2008A lower tie bar is an alloy/steel bar that ties the lower suspension pick up points of a vehicle (with an independent suspension) together. It increases chassis rigidity by bracing the left and right lower control arm… …   Wikipedia

  • Shackle bolt — Shackle Shac kle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shackled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shackling}.] 1. To tie or confine the limbs of, so as to prevent free motion; to bind with shackles; to fetter; to chain. [1913 Webster] To lead him shackled, and exposed to scorn …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tommy Bolt — DNP = Did not play WD = Withdrew CUT = missed the half way cut T indicates a tie for a place Green background for wins. Yellow background for top 10ee also*Golfers with most PGA Tour winsReferencesExternal links*… …   Wikipedia

  • Rail fastening system — Elements of a baseplate based rail fastening system 1. Screw for fixing plate to sleeper 2. Elastomeric pad supporting rail 3. Tension washer 4. Rail clamp 5. Tensioning bolt (nut not shown) 6. Baseplate …   Wikipedia

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  • GayVN Award — Die GayVN Awards werden jährlich vergeben, um die Arbeit der schwulen Pornofilmindustrie zu würdigen. Die Preise werden vom AVN Magazine gesponsert, dem Muttermagazin des GayVN Magazine. Sie sind die Fortsetzung der Preise, welche für schwule… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • GayVN Award — GayVN Awards Créés par le magazine AVN, éditeur de GayVN Magazine, les GayVN Awards sont une récompense cinématographique dédiée à la pornographie gay. Ils sont décernés tous les ans depuis 1998, la cérémonie de 2008 a eu lieu le 16 février à San …   Wikipédia en Français

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