throughput rate

throughput rate
1) пропускная способность
2) производительность
3) скорость прохождения материала
4) расход

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "throughput rate" в других словарях:

  • Throughput rate — is an obsolete term [GoldBookRef|title=throughput rate|url=] in the terminology of automated chemical analysis. It may mean either:*Input rate *Output rateReferences …   Wikipedia

  • wafer throughput rate — plokštelių apdirbimo našumas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. wafer processing efficiency; wafer throughput rate vok. Waferdurchsatzrate, f rus. производительность обработки пластин, f pranc. rendement de traitement des… …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Throughput Accounting — (TA) is an alternative to cost accounting proposed by Eliyahu M. Goldratt [Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox The Goal ISBN 0 620 33597 1.] . Throughput accounting [Thomas Corbett Throughput Accounting ISBN 0 88427 158 7.] is not cost accounting or …   Wikipedia

  • throughput — The rate at which a machine processes mail, usually designated in pieces per hour …   Glossary of postal terms

  • Throughput — This article is about the use of Throughput in communication networks. For disk drives, see Throughput (disk drive). For business management, see Throughput (business). In communication networks, such as Ethernet or packet radio, throughput or… …   Wikipedia

  • Throughput — In business, the rate at which an organization reaches a given goal. Throughput is generally viewed as the rate a business is able to produce a product or service for a given unit of time. Businesses with high throughput (output) levels are able… …   Investment dictionary

  • throughput — noun /ˈθɹuː.pʌt/ a) The rate of production; the rate at which something can be processed. if the rate of heating is substantially reduced, not only is the throughput of the apparatus diminished and the cost of the process increased, but the… …   Wiktionary

  • Throughput (business) — In the business management Theory of Constraints, throughput is the rate at which a system achieves its goal. Often this is monetary revenue and is in contrast to output, which is inventory that may be sold or stored in a warehouse. In this case… …   Wikipedia

  • throughput —    A measure of the data transfer rate through a complex communications or networking scheme.    Throughput is considered an indication of the overall performance of the system. For example, the throughput of a server depends on the processor… …   Dictionary of networking

  • throughput — n. yield; rate of transfer, amount of data that may be transferred in a data channel or through a device in one second (Computers) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • throughput capacity — The rate at which aircraft can be brought into or out of the airfield, without regard to any delay they might experience …   Aviation dictionary

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