- through flight
1) сквозной полёт2) безостановочный рейс
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
through flight — A particular operation of aircraft identified by the operator by use throughout of the same symbol, from point of origin via any intermediate points to the point of destination (ICAO) … Aviation dictionary
through — /throoh/, prep. 1. in at one end, side, or surface and out at the other: to pass through a tunnel; We drove through Denver without stopping. Sun came through the window. 2. past; beyond: to go through a stop sign without stopping. 3. from one to… … Universalium
through — [[t]θru[/t]] prep. 1) in at one end, side, or surface and out at the other: to pass through a tunnel[/ex] 2) past; beyond: went through a red light[/ex] 3) from one to the other of: swinging through the trees[/ex] 4) across the extent of:… … From formal English to slang
flight — [ flaıt ] noun *** ▸ 1 moving through air ▸ 2 trip through air/space ▸ 3 (bird) movement in air ▸ 4 an attempt to escape ▸ 5 set of stairs ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount the act or process of moving through the air, or the ability to move through the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Flight — is the process by which an object achieves sustained movement either through the air (or movement beyond earth s atmosphere, in the case of spaceflight) by aerodynamically generating lift, propulsive thrust or aerostatically using… … Wikipedia
Flight controller — Flight controllers are personnel who aid in the operations of a space flight, working in Mission Control Centers such as NASA s Mission Control Center, or ESA s Operations Center. Flight controllers sit at computer consoles and use telemetry to… … Wikipedia
flight — W2S3 [flaıt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(travel)¦ 2¦(flying)¦ 3¦(movement through air)¦ 4¦(stairs)¦ 5¦(escape)¦ 6 flight of fancy/imagination/fantasy 7¦(birds)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; Origin: flyht] 1.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
Flight 29 Down — Format Action/Adventure Teen drama Created by Stan Rogow D. J. MacHale Writte … Wikipedia
Flight attendant — Flight attendants or cabin crew (historically known as stewards, air hosts/hostesses, or stewardesses) are members of an aircrew employed by airlines to ensure the safety and comfort of the passengers aboard commercial flights as well as on… … Wikipedia
Flight feather — Flight feathers are the long, stiff, asymmetrically shaped, but symmetrically paired feathers on the wings or tail of a bird; those on the wings are called remiges (singular remex) while those on the tail are called rectrices (singular rectrix).… … Wikipedia
Flight 93 National Memorial — IUCN Category V (Protected Landscape/Seascape) … Wikipedia