- throttle pressure
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Throttle — A throttle is the mechanism by which the flow of a fluid is managed by constriction or obstruction. An engine s power can be increased or decreased by the restriction of inlet gases ( i.e., by the use of a throttle). The term throttle has come to … Wikipedia
throttle — throttler, n. /throt l/, n., v., throttled, throttling. n. 1. Also called throttle lever. a lever, pedal, handle, etc., for controlling or manipulating a throttle valve. 2. See throttle valve. 3. the throat, gullet, or windpipe, as of a horse. 4 … Universalium
throttle valve — [1] A valve in the carburetor. It is used to control the amount of air fuel mixture that reaches the cylinders. Usually consists of a flat round disc mounted on a shaft so that it can be tilted at various angles in the carburetor throttle valve… … Dictionary of automotive terms
throttle quadrant — The recess in which the throttle is located and moves. It is on the throttle quadrant that stops, such as the HP (high pressure) cock on/off stop, the maximum dry power stop, the minimum afterburner rating, and the maximum after burner stops are… … Aviation dictionary
Pressure carburetor — A pressure carburetor is a type of fuel metering system for piston aircraft engines manufactured by the Bendix Corporation starting in the 1940s. It is recognized as an early type of mechanical fuel injection and was developed to prevent fuel… … Wikipedia
throttle — throt•tle [[t]ˈθrɒt l[/t]] n. v. tled, tling 1) mac aum a) the valve in an internal combustion engine that regulates the amount of fuel entering the cylinders b) the lever that controls this valve 2) the throat, gullet, or windpipe, as of a horse … From formal English to slang
throttle return spring — A spring which forces the throttle valve closed when pressure is taken off the accelerator pedal … Dictionary of automotive terms
throttle — n 1. choke, throttler, gas pedal, Auto. accelerator. 2. windpipe, Anat., Zool. trachea; gullet, throat, esophagus. v 3. strangle, choke, garrote, strangulate, bowstring, gibbet, hang; stifle, suffocate, smother, asphyxiate, burke; kill, murder,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
control pressure — [1] The pressure in a fuel injection system. [2] the pressure coming from line pressure or throttle pressure in the automatic transmission which pushes on the command valves. [3] In a Bosch CIS, the pressurized fuel used as a hydraulic control… … Dictionary of automotive terms
dashpot throttle — A type of acceleration control unit in an engine control system. It consists of a sliding servo controlled throttle valve whose position is determined by a control valve attached to the pilot’s throttle lever. If the throttle is moved rapidly and … Aviation dictionary
manifold pressure — The absolute pressure in the intake manifold of a reciprocating engine. It is the pressure at which the fuel air mixture is forced into cylinders and is equal to the atmospheric pressure plus a boost less friction losses in the manifold less the… … Aviation dictionary