- throttle pedal
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
throttle pedal — throttle lever or throttle pedal, = throttle (noun. def. 2). (Cf. ↑throttle) … Useful english dictionary
throttle pedal — The gas pedal which operates the throttle butterfly through a series of linkages. See depress the throttle pedal ease up on the throttle pedal pumping the throttle pedal pump the throttle pedal step on the throttle pedal take foot off the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
ease up on the throttle pedal — The action of releasing the throttle pedal partially or completely in order to reduce the amount of fuel entering the engine and thus slow down the speed of the vehicle. Opposite of depress the throttle pedal or step on the throttle pedal … Dictionary of automotive terms
depress the throttle pedal — The action of pressing down on the throttle pedal (accelerator) to cause more fuel to enter the engine thus making the vehicle go faster. Opposite to ease up on the throttle pedal … Dictionary of automotive terms
step on the throttle pedal — The action of pressing down on the throttle pedal (accelerator) to cause more fuel to enter the engine thus making the vehicle go faster. Opposite to ease up on the throttle pedal … Dictionary of automotive terms
take foot off the throttle pedal — The action of easing up on the throttle pedal completely so that there is only a minimal amount of fuel entering the engine thus the engine will slow down … Dictionary of automotive terms
pump the throttle pedal — See pumping the gas pedal … Dictionary of automotive terms
pedal — A lever operated by the foot. See accelerator accelerator pedal brake pedal clipless pedal clutch pedal dead pedal depress the gas pedal depress the throttle pedal ease up on the throttle pedal … Dictionary of automotive terms
throttle — The device that controls the vacuum created in the venturi of the carburetor. The greater the vacuum, the richer the fuel air mixture. The throttle enables the engine to run on a richer mixture and produce more power for high speed driving. It… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Throttle — A throttle is the mechanism by which the flow of a fluid is managed by constriction or obstruction. An engine s power can be increased or decreased by the restriction of inlet gases ( i.e., by the use of a throttle). The term throttle has come to … Wikipedia
throttle lever — noun : a pedal or lever that controls a throttle valve * * * throttle (def. 1). [1860 65] * * * throttle lever or throttle pedal, = throttle (noun. def. 2). (Cf. ↑throttle) … Useful english dictionary