threshold point

threshold point
пороговый уровень

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "threshold point" в других словарях:

  • Threshold braking — or limit braking is a driving technique most commonly used in motor racing, but also practised in road vehicles to slow a vehicle at the optimum rate using the brakes. This is mostly used in vehicles without an anti lock braking system fitted,… …   Wikipedia

  • threshold — thresh‧old [ˈθreʆhəʊld, ʆəʊld ǁ oʊld] noun [countable] the level at which something belongs in a particular class or is affected by a particular rule: • Many large mortgages were taken out, on the assumption that interest rates would remain below …   Financial and business terms

  • threshold — thresh·old 1 / thresh ˌhōld/ n: a point of beginning: a minimum requirement for further action; specif: a determination (as of fact or the existence of a reasonable doubt) upon which something else (as further consideration or a right of action)… …   Law dictionary

  • threshold — [thresh′ōld΄, thresh′hōld΄] n. [ME threschwold < OE therscwold (akin to ON threskǫlder) < base of therscan (see THRASH) + ?] 1. DOORSILL 2. the entrance or beginning point of something [at the threshold of a new career] 3. Physiol. Psychol …   English World dictionary

  • threshold effect — UK US noun [C] ► the fact of something reaching a level or point at which something starts to happen or change: »We witnessed the threshold effect as renewable energy emerged from niche markets to compete for mainstream business. ► MARKETING the… …   Financial and business terms

  • threshold — [n] opening; beginning brink, dawn, door, doorstep, doorway, edge, entrance, gate, inception, origin, outset, point, point of departure, sill, start, starting point, verge, vestibule; concepts 440,513,648,832 …   New thesaurus

  • Threshold — Thresh old, n. [OE. threswold, [thorn]reshwold, AS. [thorn]rescwald, [thorn]erscwald, [thorn]erscold, [thorn]rescold, fr. [thorn]rescan, [thorn]erscan, to thresh; akin to Icel. [thorn]reskj[ o]de, [thorn]r[ o]skuldr, Sw. tr[ o]skel, Dan.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • threshold — O.E. þrescold, þærscwold, þerxold doorsill, point of entering, first element related to O.E. þrescan (see THRESH (Cf. thresh)), with its original sense of tread, trample. Second element of unknown origin and much transformed in all the Germanic… …   Etymology dictionary

  • point — [n1] speck bit, count, dot, fleck, flyspeck, full stop, iota, mark, minim, mite, mote, notch, particle, period, scrap, stop, tittle, trace; concepts 79,831 point [n2] specific location locality, locus, place, position, site, situation, spot,… …   New thesaurus

  • threshold — ► NOUN 1) a strip of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed on entering a house or room. 2) a level or point at which something would start or cease to happen or come into effect. ORIGIN Old English, related to THRESH(Cf.… …   English terms dictionary

  • Point system (driving) — A demerit point system is one in which a driver s licensing authority, police force, or other organization issues cumulative demerits, or points to drivers on conviction for road traffic offenses. Points may either be added or subtracted,… …   Wikipedia

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