three-halves power equation

three-halves power equation
закон (степени) трёх вторых, закон Чайлда - Лэнгмюра - Богуславского

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "three-halves power equation" в других словарях:

  • physical science, principles of — Introduction       the procedures and concepts employed by those who study the inorganic world.        physical science, like all the natural sciences, is concerned with describing and relating to one another those experiences of the surrounding… …   Universalium

  • Space charge — is a concept in which excess electric charge is treated as a continuum of charge distributed over a region of space (either a volume or an area) rather than distinct point like charges. This model typically applies when charge carriers have been… …   Wikipedia

  • Transformer — This article is about the electrical device. For the toy line franchise, see Transformers. For other uses, see Transformer (disambiguation). Pole mounted distribution transformer with center tapped secondary winding. This type of transformer is… …   Wikipedia

  • Problem of Apollonius — In Euclidean plane geometry, Apollonius problem is to construct circles that are tangent to three given circles in a plane (Figure 1); two circles are tangent if they touch at a single point. Apollonius of Perga (ca. 262 BC ndash; ca. 190 BC)… …   Wikipedia

  • Logarithm — The graph of the logarithm to base 2 crosses the x axis (horizontal axis) at 1 and passes through the points with coordinates (2, 1), (4, 2), and (8, 3) …   Wikipedia

  • Boolean algebras canonically defined — Boolean algebras have been formally defined variously as a kind of lattice and as a kind of ring. This article presents them more neutrally but equally formally as simply the models of the equational theory of two values, and observes the… …   Wikipedia

  • Golden ratio — For the Ace of Base album, see The Golden Ratio (album). Not to be confused with Golden number. The golden section is a line segment divided according to the golden ratio: The total length a + b is to the length of the longer segment a as the… …   Wikipedia

  • gas — gasless, adj. /gas/, n., pl. gases, v., gassed, gassing. n. 1. Physics. a substance possessing perfect molecular mobility and the property of indefinite expansion, as opposed to a solid or liquid. 2. any such fluid or mixture of fluids. 3. any… …   Universalium

  • Greek arithmetic, geometry and harmonics: Thales to Plato — Ian Mueller INTRODUCTION: PROCLUS’ HISTORY OF GEOMETRY In a famous passage in Book VII of the Republic starting at Socrates proposes to inquire about the studies (mathēmata) needed to train the young people who will become leaders of the ideal… …   History of philosophy

  • Brahmagupta — (audio|Brahmagupta pronounced.ogg|listen) (598–668) was an Indian mathematician and astronomer. Life and work Brahmagupta was born in 598 CE in Bhinmal city in the state of Rajasthan of northwest India. He likely lived most of his life in… …   Wikipedia

  • Boolean algebra — This article discusses the subject referred to as Boolean algebra. For the mathematical objects, see Boolean algebra (structure). Boolean algebra, as developed in 1854 by George Boole in his book An Investigation of the Laws of Thought,[1] is a… …   Wikipedia

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