- three-dimensional concentrator
трёхмерный концентратор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Superlens — A superlens, super lens or perfect lens is a lens which uses metamaterials to go beyond the diffraction limit. The diffraction limit is an inherent limitation in conventional optical devices or lenses.[1] In 2000, a type of lens was proposed,… … Wikipedia
Concentrated solar power — The PS10 Solar Power Plant concentrates sunlight from a field of heliostats onto a central solar power tower. Concentrated solar power (CSP) systems use mirrors or lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight, or solar thermal energy, onto a… … Wikipedia
Gel — For other uses, see Gel (disambiguation). An upturned vial of hair gel A gel (from the lat. gelu freezing, cold, ice or gelatus frozen, immobile) is a solid, jelly like material that can have properties ranging from soft and weak to hard and… … Wikipedia
Dye-sensitized solar cell — A selection of dye sensitized solar cells A dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC, DSC or DYSC[1]) is a low cost solar cell belonging to the group of thin film solar cells.[2] … Wikipedia
Dielectric wireless receiver — is a type of radiofrequency receiver front end featuring a complete absence of electronic circuitry and metal interconnects. It offers immunity against damage from intense electromagnetic radiation, produced by EMP and HPM sources. This receiver… … Wikipedia
Nonimaging optics — (also called anidolic optics)[1][2] is the branch of optics concerned with the optimal transfer of light radiation between a source and a target. Unlike traditional imaging optics, the techniques involved do not attempt to form an image of the… … Wikipedia
Mario Rabinowitz — (born October 24, 1936) is an American physicist who has published 170 scientific papers on a wide variety of subjects such as Meissner effect, ball lightning, black holes, superconductivity, classical tunneling, nuclear electromagnetic pulse,… … Wikipedia
List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles — This list contains chemical elements, materials, isotopes or (sub)atomic particle that exist primarily in works of fiction (usually fantasy or science fiction). No actual periodic elements end in ite , though many minerals have names with this… … Wikipedia