- thickness ratio
метал. отношение толщины полосы к диаметру валков
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
thickness ratio — noun : the ratio of the maximum thickness of an airfoil to the chord at that station … Useful english dictionary
thickness/chord ratio — The ratio between the maximum thickness or depth of an airfoil section and its chord length, expressed as a percentage of the chord length … Aviation dictionary
ratio-imaging fluorescence microscopy — A method of measurement of intracellular pH or intracellular calcium levels, using a fluorescent probe molecule (see fura 2), in which the two different excitation wavelengths are used, and the emitted light levels compared. If emission at one… … Dictionary of molecular biology
fineness ratio — The ratio of the chord to the maximum thickness of an airfoil expressed as a percentage. In the case of other streamlined bodies, it is the ratio of their length to their maximum diameter, or, sometimes, to some equivalent dimension. This is said … Aviation dictionary
Strip or stripping ratio — The amount of overburden that must be removed to gain access to a unit amount of coal. A stripping ratio may be expressed as (1) thickness of overburden to thickness of coal, (2) volume of overburden to volume coal, (3) weight of overburden to… … Energy terms
Thin-film thickness monitor — Thin film thickness monitors, deposition rate controllers, and so on, are a family of instruments used in high and ultra high vacuum systems. They can measure the thickness of a thin film, not only after it has been made, but while it is still… … Wikipedia
Poisson's ratio — ( ν ), named after Simeon Poisson, is the ratio of the relative contraction strain, or transverse strain (normal to the applied load), divided by the relative extension strain, or axial strain (in the direction of the applied load).When a sample… … Wikipedia
Aspect ratio (wing) — In aerodynamics, the aspect ratio of a wing is defined as the square of the wing span divided by the wing area.:AR = {b^2 over S}where: b is the wing span, and: S is the wing area.Informally, a high aspect ratio indicates long, narrow wings,… … Wikipedia
Overburden ratio — Overburden ratio refers to the amount of overburden that must be removed to excavate a given quantity of coal. It is commonly expressed in cubic yards per ton of coal, but is sometimes expressed as a ratio comparing the thickness of the… … Energy terms
Crown-to-root ratio — This X ray film reveals a poor crown to root ratio for tooth #21 (right), the lower left first premolar. The tooth exhibits 50% bone loss, adding roughly 5 7 mm to the clinical crown of what is actually anatomical root. The fulcrum, existing… … Wikipedia
propeller camber ratio — The ratio of the maximum thickness of a blade to its chord at any station … Aviation dictionary