- thermion
1) термион2) термоэлектрон
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
thermion — [thʉr′mī΄ən, thʉr′mēən] n. [ THERM(O) + ION] Physics a negative or positive ion emitted by an incandescent material thermionic [thʉrm΄ī΄än′ik, thʉr′mə΄än′ik] adj … English World dictionary
thermion — šiluminis elektronas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. thermal electron; thermionic electron; thermoelectron vok. Glühelektron, n; Thermoelektron, n rus. термоэлектрон, m pranc. thermion, m; thermo électron, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
thermion — thermionic, adj. thermionically, adv. /therrm uy euhn, on; therr mee euhn/, n. Physics. an ion emitted by incandescent material. [1910 15; THERM + ION] * * * … Universalium
thermion — noun An electrically charged particle, either an electron or an ion, emitted by a conducting material at high temperatures … Wiktionary
thermion — ther·mi·on (thurґme on) a particle containing an electric charge emitted by an incandescent substance, such as the electrons emitted from the cathode in a Coolidge tube … Medical dictionary
thermion — therm·ion … English syllables
thermion — therm•i•on [[t]ˈθɜrmˌaɪ ən, ɒn; ˈθɜr mi ən[/t]] n. phs an ion emitted by incandescent material • Etymology: 1910–15 therm i•on′ic, adj … From formal English to slang
thermion — /ˈθɜmiən/ (say thermeeuhn) noun any of a class of electrically charged particles such as ions or electrons emitted by incandescent materials. {therm + ion} …
thermion — n. ion emitted by incandescent object or substance. ♦ thermionic, a. ♦ thermionic ♦ valve, vacuum tube with several electrodes cathode, anode, and grid(s) the heated cathode emitting electrons … Dictionary of difficult words
thermion — noun an electrically charged particle (electron or ion) emitted by a substance at a high temperature • Derivationally related forms: ↑thermionic • Hypernyms: ↑particle, ↑subatomic particle … Useful english dictionary
thermidor see LOBSTER. — thermion n. an ion or electron emitted by a substance at high temperature. Etymology: THERMO + ION … Useful english dictionary