- thermal fatigue properties
термоусталостные свойства
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Fatigue (material) — Metal fatigue redirects here. For the video game, see Metal Fatigue (disambiguation). v · d · e Materials failure modes … Wikipedia
List of materials properties — A material s property is an intensive, often quantitative property of a material, usually with a unit that may be used as a metric of value to compare the benefits of one material versus another to aid in materials selection. A material property… … Wikipedia
Space Shuttle thermal protection system — The Space Shuttle thermal protection system (TPS) is the barrier that protects the Space Shuttle Orbiter during the searing 1650 °C (3000 °F) heat of atmospheric reentry. A secondary goal is to protect from the heat and cold of space while on… … Wikipedia
industrial glass — Introduction solid material that is normally lustrous and transparent in appearance and that shows great durability under exposure to the natural elements. These three properties lustre, transparency, and durability make glass a favoured… … Universalium
Die casting — An engine block with aluminium and magnesium die castings. Die casting is a metal casting process that is characterized by forcing molten metal under high pressure into a mold cavity. The mold cavity is created using two hardened tool steel dies… … Wikipedia
Sulfron — IntroductionSulfron 3000, modified aramid derived from Twaron, is a rubber ingredient which improves hysteresis and heat generation in sulfur vulcanized rubber compounds. Sulfron is produced and sold by Teijin Aramid.In practice, sulfur… … Wikipedia
Solder — A solder is a fusible metal alloy with a melting point or melting range of 90 to 450 °C (200 to 840 °F), used in a process called soldering where it is melted to join metallic surfaces. It is especially useful in electronics and plumbing. Alloys… … Wikipedia
Aluminium alloy — Aluminium alloys are alloys of aluminium, often with copper, zinc, manganese, silicon, or magnesium. They are much lighter and more corrosion resistant than plain carbon steel, but not quite as corrosion resistant as pure aluminium. Bare… … Wikipedia
Glass-ceramic — materials share many properties with both glass and more traditional crystalline ceramics. It is formed as a glass, and then made to crystallize partly by heat treatment. Unlike sintered ceramics, glass ceramics have no pores between crystals.… … Wikipedia
electronics — /i lek tron iks, ee lek /, n. (used with a sing. v.) the science dealing with the development and application of devices and systems involving the flow of electrons in a vacuum, in gaseous media, and in semiconductors. [1905 10; see ELECTRONIC,… … Universalium
Pebble bed reactor — Sketch of a pebble bed reactor in Italian … Wikipedia