- thermal activation
термическая активация
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
thermal activation — šiluminis aktyvinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. thermal activation vok. thermische Aktivierung, f rus. термическое активирование, n pranc. activation thermique, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
activation thermique — šiluminis aktyvinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. thermal activation vok. thermische Aktivierung, f rus. термическое активирование, n pranc. activation thermique, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Activation Neutronique — L analyse chimique par activation neutronique est une méthode analytique très sensible, particulièrement bien adaptée pour analyser la pureté d un échantillon. La méthode consiste à irradier un échantillon par un flux de neutrons. Les différentes … Wikipédia en Français
Activation — This article describes the term used in chemistry and biochemistry. : For activation (installing) of computer software, see product activation. : For activation (calling) of a subroutine in computing, see Subroutine. Activation in (bio )chemical… … Wikipedia
Activation neutronique — L analyse chimique par activation neutronique est une méthode analytique très sensible, particulièrement bien adaptée pour analyser la pureté d un échantillon. La méthode consiste à irradier un échantillon par un flux de neutrons. Les différentes … Wikipédia en Français
Neutron activation analysis — Science with Neutrons Foundations Neutron temperature Flux · Radiation … Wikipedia
Carbon–hydrogen bond activation — or C−H activation may be defined as a reaction that cleaves a carbon–hydrogen bond. Often the term is restricted to reactions involving organometallic complexes and proceeding by coordination of a hydrocarbon to the inner sphere of metal, either… … Wikipedia
Nuclear thermal rocket — Sketch of nuclear thermal rocket … Wikipedia
Dopant Activation — is the process of obtaining the desired electronic contribution from impurity species in a semiconductor host.[1] The term is often restricted to the application of thermal energy following the ion implantation of dopants. In the most common… … Wikipedia
C-H bond activation — Carbon hydrogen bond activation or CH activation may be defined as a reaction that cleaves a carbon hydrogen bond. Often the term is restricted to reactions involving organometallic complexes and proceeding by coordination of a hydrocarbon to the … Wikipedia
Rapid thermal processing — (or RTP) refers to a semiconductor manufacturing process which heats silicon wafers to high temperatures (up to 1200 C or greater) on a timescale of several seconds or less. The wafers must be brought down (temperature) slow enough however, so… … Wikipedia