terrestrial fauna

terrestrial fauna
наземная фауна, фауна суши

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "terrestrial fauna" в других словарях:

  • Fauna of Africa — Fauna of Africa, in its broader sense, is all the animals living on the African continent and its surrounding seas and islands. The more characteristic African fauna is found in the Afrotropical ecoregion formerly called Ethiopian (the Sub… …   Wikipedia

  • Fauna of the Marquesas Islands — The Marquesas Islands have a diverse aquatic zoölogy, and a rather limited endemic terrestrial zoölogy. Contents 1 Aquatic fauna 2 Terrestrial fauna 2.1 Endemic species 2.2 …   Wikipedia

  • Fauna of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands — The terrestrial fauna of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands is unsurprisingly depauperate, because of the small land area of the islands, their lack of diverse habitats, and their isolation from large land masses. However, the fauna dependent on marine… …   Wikipedia

  • Fauna de Australia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El canguro rojo es el mayor macrópodo existente, y e …   Wikipedia Español

  • Fauna of Scotland — The fauna of Scotland is generally typical of the north west European part of the Palearctic ecozone, although several of the country s larger mammals were hunted to extinction in historic times and human activity has also led to various species… …   Wikipedia

  • Fauna of Australia — Part of a series on Wildlife of Australia …   Wikipedia

  • Fauna Puerto Ricos — Der Höhlen Pfeiffrosch (Eleutherodactylus coqui), die wohl bekannteste Art der puerto ricanischen Fauna Die Fauna Puerto Ricos ist, ähnlich wie die Fauna anderer Inselarchipele, reich an endemischen Arten.[1] Fledermäuse sind die einzigen noch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • terrestrial — [[t]tɪre̱striəl[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n A terrestrial animal or plant lives on land or on the ground rather than in the sea, in trees, or in the air. [TECHNICAL] Terrestrial and aquatic fauna may sometimes be found resting together under a loose… …   English dictionary

  • Fauna of Madagascar — A good example of malagasy convergent evolution is the fossa, a malagasy carnivore that has evolved in appearance and behaviour to be so like a large cat that it was originally classified in Felidae, when it is in fact more closely related to the …   Wikipedia

  • Fauna of Borneo — Borneo is the third largest island in the world. In prehistoric time it was related to the Asian mainland due to geological and climate changes. The recent ice age during the Pleistocene and the Holocene separation from the mainland had caused… …   Wikipedia

  • Fauna und Flora Timors — Die Insel Timor Die Insel Timor gehört zum Gebiet von Wallacea. Somit ist die Fauna Timors Teil der biogeografischen Übergangszone zwischen der asiatischen und der australischen Flora und Fauna, weshalb sich die Fauna der Insel sowohl aus Arten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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