- terminal conditions
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Terminal hair — is developed hair, which is generally longer, coarser, thicker and darker than the shorter and finer vellus hair. It can be found on the scalp, beard, armpits, and pubic area. Phases of growth in it are more apparent than in vellus hair; it… … Wikipedia
Terminal burrowing — can be identified in reports of hypothermia deaths, but has only recently been given a name. It is a behavior pattern observed in the last stages of hypothermia whereby the afflicted will enter small, enclosed spaces, such as wardrobes, cupboards … Wikipedia
Terminal value (finance) — This article is about finance concept. For other uses, see Terminal value (disambiguation). In finance, the terminal value (continuing value or horizon value) of a security is the present value at a future point in time of all future cash flows… … Wikipedia
Terminal velocity — A free falling object achieves its terminal velocity when the downward force of gravity ( Fg )equals the upward force of drag ( Fd ). This causes the net force on the object to be zero, resulting in an acceleration of zero. Mathematically an… … Wikipedia
Terminal Aerodrome Forecast — In meteorology and aviation, TAF is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAF is an acronym of Terminal Aerodrome Forecast or, in some countries, Terminal Area Forecast. Generally a TAF is a… … Wikipedia
terminal forecast — The forecast weather conditions at a given terminal aerodrome (usually the destination and diversion aerodromes) for a specified period of time. Terminal forecasts may be issued separately but more often form part of a flight, route, or area… … Aviation dictionary
terminal figure — Term Term, n. [F. terme, L. termen, inis, terminus, a boundary limit, end; akin to Gr. ?, ?. See {Thrum} a tuft, and cf. {Terminus}, {Determine}, {Exterminate}.] 1. That which limits the extent of anything; limit; extremity; bound; boundary.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Terminal ileum — The terminal ileum is the most distal part of the small intestine. It connects to the cecum via the ileocecal valve.It is of importance in medicine as it can be affected in a number of infectious and inflammatory conditions, including:*Crohn s… … Wikipedia
terminal area forecast — i. A weather forecast for the area around a specific airport, indicating conditions for several hours into the future. The same as a terminal forecast. ii. Historical and forecast data for enplanements, airport operations, and instrument… … Aviation dictionary
terminal velocity — 1. Hypothetical maximum speed a body could attain along a specified flight path under given conditions of weight and thrust if diving through an unlimited distance in air of specified uniform density. 2. Remaining speed of a projectile at the… … Military dictionary
Melford International Terminal — Location Middle Melford, Nova Scotia, Canada Proposer Melford International Terminal Inc. Website http://www.melford terminal.com Status On hold … Wikipedia