- tephigram
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
tephigram — /tēˈfi gram/ noun (meteorology) A diagram on which information about vertical variation of atmospheric conditions is plotted ORIGIN: t, for temperature, phi, former symbol for entropy, and ↑ gram … Useful english dictionary
Tephigram — A tephigram is one of four thermodynamic diagrams commonly used in weather analysis and forecasting. The name evolved from the original name T phi gram to describe the axes of temperature (T) and entropy (phi) used to create the plot. Usually,… … Wikipedia
tephigram — An aerological map on which temperatures and potential temperatures (pot temp) are marked along the X and Y axes, respectively. Tephigrams are used to ascertain the stability of the atmosphere. Information about the MINTRA level i.e., the minimum … Aviation dictionary
Thermodynamic diagrams — are diagrams used by scientists and engineers to represent the thermodynamic states of a material (typically fluid) and the consequences of manipulating this material. For instance, a temperature entropy diagram (T s diagram) may be used to… … Wikipedia
Napier Shaw — Born March 04, 1854 Birmingham, England, UK Died March 23, 1945 London … Wikipedia
DRYTRA level — A level of temperatures at which exhaust trails must occur even if the ambient air is completely dry. This flight level is determined with the help of a chart called a tephigram. A tephigram is an aerological map on which temperatures and… … Aviation dictionary
exhaust trails — A cloud that trails an aircraft and is formed by the ejected water from the exhaust of the aircraft engines. It mixes with and saturates, or slightly supersaturates, the air in the wake of the aircraft. The duration of the trails is dependent on… … Aviation dictionary
Skew-T log-P diagram — A Skew T Log P diagram is one of four thermodynamic diagrams commonly used in weather analysis and forecasting. In 1947, N. Herlofson proposed a modification to the emagram which allows straight, horizontal isobars, and provides for a large angle … Wikipedia
Emagram — An emagram is one of four thermodynamic diagrams used to display profiles of temperature and moisture in the atmosphere. The emagram has axes of temperature (T) and pressure (p). In the emagram, the dry adiabats make an angle of about 45 degrees… … Wikipedia
Stüve diagram — A Stüve diagram is one of four thermodynamic diagrams commonly used in weather analysis and forecasting. Usually, temperature and dew point data from radiosondes are plotted on these diagrams to allow calculations of convective stability or… … Wikipedia
engine-exhaust trail — A cloud that trails an aircraft and is formed by the ejected water from the exhaust of the aircraft engines. It mixes with and saturates, or slightly supersaturates, the air in the wake of the aircraft. The duration of the trails is dependent on… … Aviation dictionary