tensor of order [valence] n

tensor of order [valence] n
тензор валентности n

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "tensor of order [valence] n" в других словарях:

  • Tensor — For other uses, see Tensor (disambiguation). Note that in common usage, the term tensor is also used to refer to a tensor field. Stress, a second order tensor. The tensor s components, in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, form the… …   Wikipedia

  • Topological order — In physics, topological order is a new kind of order (a newkind of organization of particles) in a quantum state that is beyond theLandau symmetry breaking description. It cannot be described by local order parameters and long rangecorrelations.… …   Wikipedia

  • Covariance and contravariance of vectors — For other uses of covariant or contravariant , see covariance and contravariance. In multilinear algebra and tensor analysis, covariance and contravariance describe how the quantitative description of certain geometric or physical entities… …   Wikipedia

  • Intermediate treatment of tensors — In mathematics and physics, a tensor is an idealized geometric or physical quantity whose numerical description, relative to a particular frame of reference, consists of a multiple indexed array of numbers. A vector, for example, is a tensor with …   Wikipedia

  • Change of basis — In linear algebra, change of basis refers to the conversion of vectors and linear transformations between matrix representations which have different bases. Contents 1 Expression of a basis 2 Change of basis for vectors 2.1 Tensor proof …   Wikipedia

  • Electric current — Electromagnetism …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetism — This article is about magnetic materials. For information about objects and devices that produce a magnetic field, see magnet. For fields that magnets and currents produce, see magnetic field. For other uses, see magnetism (disambiguation).… …   Wikipedia

  • GF method — Wilson s GF method, sometimes referred to as FG method, is a classical mechanical method to obtain certain internal coordinates fora vibrating semi rigid molecule, the so called normal coordinates Q k. Normal coordinates decouple the classical… …   Wikipedia

  • QCD vacuum — The QCD vacuum is the vacuum state of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). It is an example of a non perturbative vacuum state, characterized by many non vanishing condensates such as the gluon condensate or the quark condensate. These condensates… …   Wikipedia

  • Spin (physics) — This article is about spin in quantum mechanics. For rotation in classical mechanics, see angular momentum. In quantum mechanics and particle physics, spin is a fundamental characteristic property of elementary particles, composite particles… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum entanglement — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle …   Wikipedia

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