activation barrier

activation barrier
барьер активации, активационный барьер

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "activation barrier" в других словарях:

  • Activation energy — In chemistry, activation energy, also called midnight energy, is a term introduced in 1889 by the Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius, that is defined as the energy that must be overcome in order for a chemical reaction to occur. Arrhenius… …   Wikipedia

  • Kinetic isotope effect — The kinetic isotope effect (KIE) is the ratio of reaction rates of two different isotopically labeled molecules in a chemical reaction. It is also called isotope fractionation, although this term is somewhat broader in meaning. A KIE involving… …   Wikipedia

  • Solid oxide fuel cell — A solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is an electrochemical conversion device that produces electricity directly from oxidizing a fuel. Fuel cells are characterized by their electrolyte material and, as the name implies, the SOFC has a solid oxide, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Reaction rate — Iron rusting a chemical reaction with a slow reaction rate. Wood …   Wikipedia

  • Cluster chemistry — In chemistry, a cluster is an ensemble of bound atoms intermediate in size between a molecule and a bulk solid. Clusters exist of diverse stoichiometries and nuclearities. For example, carbon and boron atoms form fullerene and borane clusters,… …   Wikipedia

  • Explosive material — A number of 1.25lb M112 Demolition Charges, consisting of a C 4 compound, sit atop degraded weaponry scheduled for destruction An explosive material, also called an explosive, is a reactive substance that contains a great amount of potential… …   Wikipedia

  • Wulff-Dötz reaction — The Wulff Dötz reaction (also known as the Dötz reaction or the benzannulation reaction of the Fischer carbene complexes) is the chemical reaction of an aromatic or vinylic alkoxy pentacarbonyl chromium carbene complex with an alkyne and carbon… …   Wikipedia

  • Piperidine — chembox References= [ [ icsc03/icsc0317.htm International Chemical Safety Card 0317] ] Name = Piperidine ImageFileL1 = Piperidine.svg ImageSizeL1 = 100px ImageFileR1 …   Wikipedia

  • Deflagration — A log in a fireplace. Deflagration (Lat: de + flagrare, to burn down ) is a term describing subsonic combustion that usually propagates through thermal conductivity; hot burning material heats the next layer of cold material and ignites it. Most… …   Wikipedia

  • Carbanion — A carbanion is an anion in which carbon has an unshared pair of electrons and bears a negative charge usually with three substituents for a total of eight valence electrons [Organic Chemistry Robert Thornton Morrison, Robert Neilson Boyd] . The… …   Wikipedia

  • HSAB theory — The HSAB concept is an acronym for hard and soft (Lewis) acids and bases. Also known as the Pearson acid base concept, HSAB is widely used in chemistry for explaining stability of compounds, reaction mechanisms and pathways. It assigns the terms… …   Wikipedia

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