temperature [thermal] inertia

temperature [thermal] inertia
тепловая инерция

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "temperature [thermal] inertia" в других словарях:

  • thermal inertia — noun : the degree of slowness with which the temperature of a body approaches that of its surroundings and which is dependent upon its absorptivity, its specific heat, its thermal conductivity, its dimensions, and other factors …   Useful english dictionary

  • Temperature — This article is about the thermodynamic property. For other uses, see Temperature (disambiguation). A map of global long term monthly average surface air temperatures i …   Wikipedia

  • Thermal Emission Imaging System — The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) is a camera on board the 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter. It images Mars in the visible and infrared parts of the electromagnetic spectrum in order to determine the thermal properties of the surface and to… …   Wikipedia

  • thermal response — The rate of temperature rise in a reactor if no heat is withdrawn by cooling. Its reciprocal is thermal inertia …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Very high temperature reactor — The Very High Temperature Reactor is a Generation IV reactor concept that uses a graphite moderated nuclear reactor with a once through uranium fuel cycle. This reactor design envisions an outlet temperature of 1000°C. The reactor core can be… …   Wikipedia

  • equivalent temperature — The degree of comfort in the passenger cabin in terms of temperature effectiveness. It takes into account factors like cabin heat load, humidity, thermal inertia, and temperature distribution throughout the aircraft. The term is used in aircraft… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Climate change — For current and future climatological effects of human influences, see global warming. For the study of past climate change, see paleoclimatology. For temperatures on the longest time scales, see geologic temperature record …   Wikipedia

  • Heat capacity — Thermodynamics …   Wikipedia

  • Volumetric heat capacity — (VHC) describes the ability of a given volume of a substance to store internal energy while undergoing a given temperature change, but without undergoing a phase change. It is different from specific heat capacity in that the VHC depends on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Thermophysics — Themophysics is the study of heat transfer and storage in physical materials. Remote Sensing Thermophysics is a branch of geophysics which uses the naturally occurring surface temperature as a function of the cyclical variation in solar radiation …   Wikipedia

  • Climate of Mars — Mosaic image of Mars as seen by Viking 1, 22 February 1980 The climate of Mars has been an issue of scientific curiosity for centuries, not least because Mars is the only terrestrial planet whose surface can be directly observed in detail from… …   Wikipedia

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