- temperature extremes
крайние (значения) температуры; экстремальные значения температуры
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
United States temperature extremes — For the United States, the extremes are 134.8 °F (57.1 °C) in Death Valley, California and −82.8 °F (−63.8 °C) recorded in Prospect Creek, Alaska.Among the U.S. states, Hawaii has both the lowest state maximum of 100 °F (37.7 °C) and the highest… … Wikipedia
World temperature extremes — ▪ Table World temperature extremes highest recorded air temperature temperature continent or region place (with elevation*) degrees C degrees F Africa Al Aziziyah, Libya (112 m or 367 ft) 57.7 136 Antarctica Lake Vanda 77 degrees 32 minutes S,… … Universalium
U.S. state temperature extremes — The following table lists the highest and lowest temperatures recorded in each state in the United States, in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.*Also on earlier date or dates in that stateExternal links* [http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html NOAA… … Wikipedia
temperature — noun 1 how hot or cold sth is ADJECTIVE ▪ high, hot, warm ▪ Yesterday the town reached its highest ever February temperature. ▪ cold, cool, low … Collocations dictionary
Temperature record — For extreme records instead of records as a set of data, see Temperature extremes For instrument derived temperature records, see Instrumental temperature record … Wikipedia
température — [ tɑ̃peratyr ] n. f. • 1562; « tempérament » 1538; lat. temperatura, de temperare 1 ♦ Degré de chaleur ou de froid de l atmosphère en un lieu, lié à la sensation éprouvée par le corps et qui peut être exprimée par le thermomètre. La température,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
TEMPÉRATURE (météorologie) — La température est, avec la pression, l’une des grandeurs qui servent à définir l’état physique de l’air. Dans toute l’épaisseur de l’atmosphère «météorologique» (90 km environ), la composition de l’air peut en effet être estimée constante. La… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Temperature-dependent sex determination — (TSD), also called environmental sex determination [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nature06519.html The adaptive significance of temperature dependent sex determination in a reptile] from Nature ] , is where the… … Wikipedia
Extremes on Earth — This article describes extreme locations on Earth. Entries listed in bold are Earth wide extremes.Extreme elevations and temperatures per continentContinentElevation (height above sea level)Temperature… … Wikipedia
Extremes — Going to Extremes and Surviving Extremes are television programmes made for Channel 4 by Nick Middleton. In each episode of the two series, Middleton visits an extreme area of the world to find out how people have adapted to life there.Both Going … Wikipedia
Lowest temperature recorded on Earth — The lowest temperature ever recorded at the surface of the Earth was −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F; 184.0 K) at the Russian Vostok Station in Antarctica July 21, 1983.[1] Lower temperatures have been achieved in the laboratory, including a record … Wikipedia