- television-telephone system
видеотелефонная система, система видеотелефонии
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Business telephone system — Early model 464G Western Electric key telephone set A business telephone system is any of a range of a multiline telephone systems typically used in business environments, encompassing systems ranging from small key systems to large scale private … Wikipedia
Director telephone system — The Director System was a system which made it possible to call subscribers at other telephone exchanges without operator intervention in large multi exchange cities, and to have a mixture of automatic and manual exchanges within these cities. It … Wikipedia
Television in Greece and Cyprus — Television broadcasting in Greece began in 1966, with the first network, EPT (Ellinikí Radiofonía Tileórasi) broadcasting out of Athens, as a state owned monopoly. Original broadcasts were in black and white. A second network, YENED, opened in… … Wikipedia
Television in Greece — Television broadcasting in Greece began in 1966 and this was preceded in 1951 by statute 1663 permitting television broadcasting.[1] Contents 1 History 1.1 1960s 1970s 1.2 1980s … Wikipedia
Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom — +44 redirects here. For the band, see +44 (band). United Kingdom telephone numbers Location of United Kingdom (dark green) Location Country United Kingdom Continent … Wikipedia
telephone — telephoner, n. /tel euh fohn /, n., v., telephoned, telephoning. n. 1. an apparatus, system, or process for transmission of sound or speech to a distant point, esp. by an electric device. v.t. 2. to speak to or summon (a person) by telephone. 3.… … Universalium
Telephone exchange — A telephone operator manually connecting calls with cord pairs at a telephone switchboard. In the field of telecommunications, a telephone exchange or telephone switch is a system of electronic components that connects telephone calls. A central… … Wikipedia
Telephone — The telephone (from the el. τῆλε, tēle , far and φωνή, phōnē , voice ) is a telecommunications device that is used to transmit and receive sound (most commonly speech), usually two people conversing but occasionally three or more. It is one of… … Wikipedia
Telephone tapping — Wiretap redirects here. For the radio program, see WireTap (radio program). Telephone tapping (also wire tapping or wiretapping in American English) is the monitoring of telephone and Internet conversations by a third party, often by covert means … Wikipedia
Television in Mexico — first began in August 19, 1946 in Mexico City when Guillermo González Camarena transmitted the first television signal in Latin America from his home’s bathroom. On September 7, 1946 at 8:30 PM (CST) Mexico’s and Latin America’s first… … Wikipedia
TÉLÉVISION ET RADIODIFFUSION - Les programmes et le public — Le petit écran occupe aujourd’hui une place prépondérante dans les loisirs des sociétés modernes. Le taux d’équipement des foyers des pays d’Europe occidentale et d’Amérique du Nord dépasse 95 p. 100, et beaucoup de foyers s’équipent de… … Encyclopédie Universelle